The Catch page will be going away soon. Please visit The Cove to find upcoming Catch games and check out the new Betas, exclusively for Game Club members.

The Catch

A gift for our Game Club Members!

Thank you for being part of the Big Fish Game Club!

Don’t miss out on a great giveaway. Visit this page to see what’s coming up!

With The Catch, Game Club Members get access to a rotating game at no extra cost! Just add today’s The Catch game to your cart and proceed to checkout. This game will automatically be discounted to $0.

This game is $0.00 through March 24th!

Brian, a gifted and eccentric scientist, has finished his time machine and traveled into the past to visit the dinosaurs! Unfortunately for Brian, a former friend, Doctor Terrible, completed his time machine first and is already there and he’s installed all kinds of machines in the dinosaur era. Embark on an incredible prehistoric time management adventure and stop Doctor Terrible before the timeline is ruined!

Learn More