Detektivspiele für PC Kostenlose Detektiv-Spiele-Downloads. Arbeite Hand-in-Hand mit der Polizei, um als Meisterdetektiv mysteriöse Kriminalfälle zu lösen. Grenze deine Suche ein Sammleredition: No Sprache: German Is Anthology Collection: No Is Felix Fun-Sized: No + Developer Name 8Floor (11) Alawar (4) AMAX Interactive (3) Artifex Mundi (4) Big Fish Studios (9) Do Games (1) Elephant Games (6) Grandma (1) Mad Head (1) Game Series Detectives United (3) Mystery Case Files (8) Nancy Drew (3) Royal Detective (2) Shadow Wolf Mysteries (1) Primäres Genre Abenteuer (10) Karten & Brett (11) Wimmelbild (76) Wimmelbild-Abenteuer (1) 3-Gewinnt (6) Puzzle (5) Zeitmanagement (2) Plattform/Betriebssystem Windows (111) 111 Artikel Sortieren nach Artikelname Bestseller Bestseller des Monats Bestseller der Woche Bestseller des Jahres Developer Name Game Series Preis Datum der Produktliste Reihenfolge Mystery Case Files: Huntsville ™ Windows | German Mystery Case Files: Prime Suspects ™ Windows | German Mystery Case Files: Ravenhearst ™ Windows | German Secrets of Great Art Windows | German Rom: Der Fluch des Kolliers Windows | German Christmasville Windows | German Mystery Case Files: Madame Fate ® Windows | German Interpol: The Trail of Dr. Chaos Windows | German Animal Agents Windows | German Geheimnisse von London Windows | German The Count of Monte Cristo Windows | German G.H.O.S.T. Hunters: The Haunting of Majesty Manor Windows | German Mystery Stories: Island of Hope Windows | German Miss Teri Tale Windows | German Die verschollenen Fälle des Sherlock Holmes Windows | German Mystery of Unicorn Castle Windows | German Mystery Chronicles: Mord unter Freunden Windows | German Art Detective Windows | German Detective Stories: Hollywood Windows | German Die Kunst des Mordens: Geheimakte FBI Windows | German Club der Ermittlerinnen: Tod in Scharlach Windows | German Steve The Sheriff ™ Windows | German Mystery Case Files: Rückkehr nach Ravenhearst ™ Windows | German Nick Chase: A Detective Story ™ Windows | German Masters of Mystery: Der Fashion-Krimi Windows | German Das Detektivbüro Windows | German Hidden in Time: Mirror Mirror Windows | German Spur der Träume Windows | German Das Vermächtnis: Testament of Sin Windows | German The Cameron Files: Secret at Loch Ness Windows | German She is a Shadow Windows | German Affair Bureau Windows | German Steve the Sheriff 2: Die Sache mit dem vermissten Ding Windows | German Vampirsaga: Die Büchse der Pandora Windows | German Dr. Lynch: Grave Secrets Windows | German Cajun Cop: Der Clou im French Quarter Windows | German Club der Ermittlerinnen: Dunkelgraue Schatten Windows | German Samantha Swift and the Golden Touch Windows | German James Patterson's Women's Murder Club: Twice in a Blue Moon Windows | German Public Enemies: Bonnie and Clyde Windows | German Real Crimes: Jack the Ripper Windows | German Nick Chase and the Deadly Diamond Windows | German Nancy Drew: Fluch im Filmstudio Windows | German Nancy Drew: Das Phantom von Venedig Windows | German Nancy Drew: Die Legende des Kristallschädels Windows | German Jack the Ripper: Letters from Hell Windows | German Jade Rousseau: The Fall of Sant' Antonio Windows | German Club der Ermittlerinnen: Kleine dunkle Lügen Windows | German Samantha Swift and the Hidden Roses of Athena Windows | German Die Kunst des Mordens: Karten des Schicksals Windows | German 1 2 3