Games Narrow Your Search Developer Name: Alawar Primary Genre: Puzzle Platform/OS: Windows Is Anthology Collection: No Is Felix Fun-Sized: No + Game Series Weather Lord (2) Collector's Edition No (33) Yes (16) Language English (11) German (9) Spanish (6) French (9) Italian (3) Japanese (5) Dutch (2) Swedish (2) Portuguese (2) 49 items Sort by Bestselling - All-Time Bestselling - Monthly Bestselling - Weekly Bestselling - Yearly Developer Name Game Series Position Price Product List Date Product Name Beezzle Windows | English Cubozoid Windows | English Tiny Worlds Windows | English Rikki and Mikki to the Rescue Windows | English Mysteries of Horus Windows | German Mysteries of Horus Windows | Italian Mysteries of Horus Windows | Spanish Enchanted Cavern Windows | English Enchanted Cavern Windows | French Treasure Masters Windows | English Enchanted Cavern Windows | German Enchanted Cavern Windows | Spanish Treasure Masters Windows | German エンチャンティッド カバーン - 不思議な夢の洞窟 Windows | Japanese Mysteries of Horus Windows | French Treasure Masters, Inc. Windows | French トレジャー マスター Windows | Japanese Treasure Masters Windows | Spanish Hérissons de l'Espace Windows | French Igel im All Windows | German Erizos del Espacio Windows | Spanish Stray Souls: Dollhouse Story Collector's Edition Windows | English Mysteries of Horus Windows | Dutch Stray Souls: L'Orphelinat Abandonné Edition Collector Windows | French Stray Souls: Das Haus der Puppen -Sammleredition Windows | German Treasure Masters Windows | Portuguese Mysteries of Horus Windows | Swedish House of 1000 Doors: The Palm of Zoroaster Collector's Edition Windows | English Haus der 1000 Türen: Das Juwel des Zarathustra Sammleredition Windows | German ハウス・オブ・サウザンド・ドア:ゾロアスターの呪い コレクターズ・エディション Windows | Japanese House of 1000 Doors: La Palme de Zoroastre Edition Collector Windows | French House of 1000 Doors: La palma de Zoroastro Edición Coleccionista Windows | Spanish Weather Lord Windows | Portuguese Sticky Linky Windows | Italian Sticky Linky Windows | English Sticky Linky Windows | German Sticky Linky Windows | Spanish スティッキーリンキー Windows | Japanese Weather Lord Windows | Italian Sticky Linky Windows | French Treasure Masters, Inc. Windows | Swedish Stray Souls: Gestolen Herinneringen Luxe Editie Windows | Dutch Stray Souls: Stolen Memories Collector's Edition Windows | English Stray Souls: Gestohlene Erinnerungen Sammleredition Windows | German Stray Souls: Les Souvenirs Volés Edition Collector Windows | French ストレイ・ソウルズ:盗まれた記憶 コレクターズ・エディション Windows | Japanese Paranormal Pursuit: The Gifted One Collector's Edition Windows | English Paranormal Pursuit: Die Gabe Sammleredition Windows | German Paranormal Pursuit: L'Enfant Prodige Edition Collector Windows | French