Games Narrow Your Search Developer Name: Alawar Primary Genre: Strategy Collector's Edition: No Is Felix Fun-Sized: No + Platform/OS Windows (44) Mac (1) Language Spanish (4) French (6) Italian (4) Japanese (3) Dutch (4) Swedish (4) Danish (1) Portuguese (4) English (8) German (7) Is Anthology Collection No (45) 45 items Sort by Bestselling - All-Time Bestselling - Monthly Bestselling - Weekly Bestselling - Yearly Developer Name Game Series Position Price Product List Date Product Name Ramses: Rise Of Empire Windows | French Ramses: Aufstieg eines Imperiums Windows | German Ramses: Rise Of Empire Mac | English Ramses: Rise Of Empire Windows | English Beholder Windows | French Beholder Windows | German Beholder Windows | English ライズン ドラゴン Windows | Japanese Aufstieg der Drachen Windows | German Risen Dragons Windows | English Lost Head Windows | Swedish The Promised Land Windows | Swedish プロミスランド Windows | Japanese The Golden Years: Way Out West Windows | Swedish Lost Head Windows | Portuguese Lost Head Windows | German Lost Head Windows | Dutch The Promised Land Windows | Spanish Lost Head Windows | Italian Lost Head Windows | Spanish Lost Head Windows | French Lost Head Windows | English The Promised Land Windows | Dutch The Promised Land Windows | Portuguese The Promised Land Windows | Italian The Promised Land Windows | French Das gelobte Land Windows | German あの素晴らしき輝き:Go West Windows | Japanese The Promised Land Windows | English The Golden Years: Way Out West Windows | French The Golden Years: Way Out West Windows | Dutch The Golden Years: Way Out West Windows | Italian The Golden Years: Way Out West Windows | Portuguese The Golden Years: Way Out West Windows | Spanish Goldene Jahre - Der weite Westen Windows | German The Golden Years: Way Out West Windows | English Path To Success Windows | Danish Path To Success Windows | Swedish Path To Success Windows | Portuguese Path To Success Windows | Italian Path To Success Windows | Dutch Path To Success Windows | Spanish Path To Success Windows | French Straße des Erfolgs Windows | German Path To Success Windows | English