Games Narrow Your Search Developer Name: Alawar Platform/OS: Windows Language: Italian Is Felix Fun-Sized: No + Game Series Heroes of Hellas (3) New Yankee (1) Rescue Team (2) Weather Lord (1) Primary Genre Action & Arcade (2) Adventure (2) Hidden Object (48) Marble Popper (1) Match 3 (11) Puzzle (3) Strategy (4) Time Management (36) Collector's Edition No (103) Yes (4) Is Anthology Collection No (107) 107 items Sort by Bestselling - All-Time Bestselling - Monthly Bestselling - Weekly Bestselling - Yearly Developer Name Game Series Position Price Product List Date Product Name The Treasures of Mystery Island Windows | Italian Motor Town: Le Anime Meccaniche Windows | Italian The Lake House: I bambini del silenzio Windows | Italian Farm Frenzy Pizza Party Windows | Italian Sky Kingdoms Windows | Italian Cruel Games: Cappuccetto rosso Windows | Italian Alice and the Magic Gardens Windows | Italian The Lake House: I bambini del silenzio Edizione Speciale Windows | Italian Virtual Farm Windows | Italian Farm Frenzy 3: American Pie Windows | Italian Forbidden Secrets: Città aliena Windows | Italian Holly 2: Magic Land Windows | Italian Sacra Terra: Il Bacio della Morte Edizione Speciale Windows | Italian Grace's Quest: To Catch An Art Thief Windows | Italian Farm Frenzy 3: Ice Age Windows | Italian Smash Frenzy 4 Windows | Italian Weird Park: Storie da brivido Windows | Italian Oriental Dreams Windows | Italian Ski Resort Mogul Windows | Italian Forbidden Secrets: Città aliena Edizione Speciale Windows | Italian The Treasures of Montezuma 2 Windows | Italian Alabama Smith in Escape from Pompeii Windows | Italian Age of Adventure: Playing the Hero Windows | Italian Magic Encyclopedia: Moon Light Windows | Italian Hotel Mogul Windows | Italian Eternal Journey: Nuova Atlantide Windows | Italian Island Realms Windows | Italian Bilbo: The Four Corners of the World Windows | Italian Weather Lord Windows | Italian Twisted Lands: L'origine Windows | Italian Magic Encyclopedia: Illusions Windows | Italian Joan Jade and the Gates of Xibalba Windows | Italian Lost Head Windows | Italian Sticky Linky Windows | Italian Heroes of Hellas 2: Olympia Windows | Italian The Promised Land Windows | Italian Natalie Brooks: The Treasures of Lost Kingdom Windows | Italian Settlement: Colossus Windows | Italian Mind's Eye: Secrets of the Forgotten Windows | Italian Vampire Saga: Pandora's Box Windows | Italian House of 1000 Doors: La palma di Zoroastro Windows | Italian Aztec Tribe Windows | Italian Natalie Brooks: Mystery at Hillcrest High Windows | Italian Vampire Saga: La fuga Windows | Italian Mega World Smash Windows | Italian Snark Busters: Alta società Windows | Italian Twisted Lands: Shadow Town Windows | Italian Alla moda con Juliette Windows | Italian Natural Threat: L'isola del terrore Windows | Italian Vacation Mogul Windows | Italian 1 2 3