Games Narrow Your Search Developer Name: Big Fish Studios Primary Genre: Adventure Collector's Edition: No Is Anthology Collection: No Is Felix Fun-Sized: No + Game Series Azada (14) Mystery Case Files (7) Platform/OS Windows (63) Mac (8) Language English (17) German (9) Spanish (7) French (8) Italian (5) Japanese (6) Dutch (5) Swedish (4) Danish (4) Portuguese (6) 71 items Sort by Bestselling - All-Time Bestselling - Monthly Bestselling - Weekly Bestselling - Yearly Developer Name Game Series Position Price Product List Date Product Name フェッチ Windows | Japanese Fetch Windows | French Fetch Windows | German Fetch Mac | English Fetch Windows | English Mystery Case Files®: Shadow Lake Windows | Portuguese Mystery Case Files®: Shadow Lake Windows | French Mystery Case Files®: Shadow Lake Windows | Spanish Mystery Case Files®: Shadow Lake Windows | German Mystery Case Files: Shadow Lake Mac | English Mystery Case Files: Shadow Lake Windows | English Drawn: A Trilha das Sombras Windows | Portuguese Drawn: Skyggernes spor Windows | Danish Drawn: I skuggornas spår Windows | Swedish Drawn™: Het Schaduwpad Windows | Dutch Drawn: 絵の中に消えた少年 Windows | Japanese Drawn™: Il sentiero delle ombre Windows | Italian Drawn: Sur la Piste des Ombres Windows | French Drawn: El sendero de las sombras Windows | Spanish Drawn: Gefährliche Schatten Windows | German Drawn: Trail of Shadows Mac | English Drawn: Trail of Shadows Windows | English Nightmare Realm Windows | Portuguese Nightmare Realm Windows | Danish Nightmare Realm Windows | Swedish Nightmare Realm Windows | Dutch ナイトメア レルム:悪夢の王国 Windows | Japanese Nightmare Realm Windows | Italian Nightmare Realm Windows | French Nightmare Realm Windows | Spanish Nightmare Realm Windows | German Nightmare Realm Mac | English Nightmare Realm Windows | English Drawn®: Um Voo na Escuridão ™ Windows | Portuguese Drawn®: Flugten fra mørket ™ Windows | Danish Drawn®: Flykten från mörkret ™ Windows | Swedish Drawn ®: Een Donkere Vlucht ™ Windows | Dutch Drawn™:暗黒の翼と希望の灯台 Windows | Japanese Drawn®: Fuga dalle tenebre ™ Windows | Italian Drawn®: Par-delà l'Obscurité™ Windows | French Drawn®: El Vuelo Oscuro Windows | Spanish Drawn®: Flucht aus der Dunkelheit ™ Windows | German Drawn: Dark Flight ® Mac | English Drawn: Dark Flight ® Windows | English Drawn®: A Torre Pintada ™ Windows | Portuguese Drawn®: Det malede tårn ™ Windows | Danish Drawn®: Det målade tornet ™ Windows | Swedish Drawn®: De Getekende Toren ™ Windows | Dutch Drawn: 呪われた塔と魔法の絵の具 ™ Windows | Japanese Drawn®: La torre dipinta ™ Windows | Italian 1 2