Simulationsspiele für PC Spiele kostenlose Simulations-Probeversionen - Gratis-Download! Baue in diesen Simulationsspielen Dörfer auf oder schlüpfe in ein anderes Leben! Narrow Your Search Primary Genre: Strategy Platform/OS: Windows Language: German Is Felix Fun-Sized: No + Developer Name Alawar (2) AMAX Interactive (1) Big Fish Studios (1) Blue Tea Games (1) Game Series Virtual Villagers (3) Collector's Edition No (20) Is Anthology Collection No (20) 20 items Sort by Bestselling - All-Time Bestselling - Monthly Bestselling - Weekly Bestselling - Yearly Developer Name Game Series Position Price Product List Date Product Name Twilight City: Liebe kennt keine Grenzen Windows | German Farm Tribe 2 Windows | German Dream Builder: Erlebnispark Windows | German Das gelobte Land Windows | German Life Quest® 2: Metropoville Windows | German My Life Story: Abenteuer Windows | German Build-a-Lot 6: On Vacation Windows | German Trade Mania Windows | German Straße des Erfolgs Windows | German Farm Tribe Windows | German Virtual Villagers 4 - The Tree of Life Windows | German King's Legacy Windows | German Virtual Families Windows | German Many Years Ago Windows | German Vergessene Länder: Erste Siedler ™ Windows | German Build-a-lot 2: Town of the Year Windows | German Virtual Villagers: The Secret City Windows | German Build-a-lot Windows | German Escape From Paradise Windows | German Virtual Villagers: The Lost Children Windows | German