PC Spiele > Abenteuer Spiele > Nancy Drew - Danger on Deception Island
Nancy Drew - Danger on Deception Island

Nancy Drew - Danger on Deception Island

A vacation to a remote island in the Pacific Northwest abruptly runs aground when you, as Nancy Drew, discover that an unseen assailant has vandalized the whale-watching boat owned by your host, Katie Firestone. But thats just the first in a string of nasty "accidents." Is the plot in Snake Horse Harbor related to the orphaned orca whale roaming the nearby channel, or is there a deeper threat shrouded in the approaching fog? Plunge into danger to bring a mysterious islands secrets to the surface! Dare to Play. ( TM )

OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7

CPU: 600 Mhz

RAM: 128 MB

DirectX: 6

Hard Drive: 588 MB

Systemanforderungen für die Big Fish Spiele-App

Browser: Internet Explorer 7 oder höher


Nancy Drew - Danger on Deception Island

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Nancy Drew - Danger on Deception Island

Nancy Drew - Danger on Deception Island

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