Dark City: Paris

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When ghost sightings in Paris threaten to ruin the World Expo, only a detective of your caliber can crack the case!

Will you uncover the ties between recent scientific advancements and the spectral attacks before it’s too late?

More Halloween Favorites!

Halloween Chronicles: Behind the Door

A Halloween party takes a turn for the deadly when three friends gather around a strange board game.

Halloween Chronicles: Monsters Among Us

It’s Halloween and monsters have invaded your hometown! It’s up to you to delve into your family’s secret history and stop them.

Halloween Chronicles: Evil Behind a Mask

While visiting your Uncle Oswald’s shop for Halloween, a cursed mask turns your father into a horrible creature! He won't rest until the lord of nightmares himself, the Boogeyman returns!

Halloween Chronicles: Cursed Family

A Halloween visit with distant relatives becomes more than you bargained for!

Haunted Hotel: The X

Decades ago, a brutal crime occurred at the Lexington Hotel. Are you brave enough to uncover the truth about what happened there?

Bonfire Stories: Faceless Gravedigger

You and your partner arrive at the Quiet Grove resort to dig up news on an old case. You discover that the tall-tales are true, and now the faceless gravedigger is on your trail!

Halloween Stories: Defying Death

A trio of hoax hunters get the shock of their lives after a series of cases become all too real!

Halloween Stories: Defying Death

It's Halloween, but this festive night quickly turns into a nightmare when a shadowy specter from your past returns! Can you escape the Grim Reaper himself when he comes to claim what's due?

Halloween Stories: Horror Movie

The nightmare continues when four friends are pulled inside a movie where the special effects are all too real!

Halloween Stories: Black Book

The nightmare continues when four friends are pulled inside a movie where the special effects are all too real!

Halloween Stories: Invitation

You and your best friend have been invited to the coolest Halloween shindig of the year! You quickly realize that something is wrong, you're trapped and being hunted by a group of dark and mysterious figures.

Vermillion Watch: London Howling

When a series of violent incidents point to a perpetrator that's both human and animal, the Vermillion Watch jump into action! But the dark and foggy streets of 19th century London are hiding more than the usual suspects.

Laruaville 11

Everyone’s favorite ghosts are back, and this time they’ll have to help a very unusual guest in their latest match-3 adventure!

Incredible Dracula: Legacy of the Valkyries

Join Dracula and his allies on a quest for a treasure beyond imagination!

Cursed House 9

Cursed House is back with a new property to clean and some frighteningly clever puzzles that will haunt your dreams!