PC jeux > Gestion du temps jeux > Chimp Quest: Spirit Isle
Chimp Quest: Spirit Isle

Chimp Quest: Spirit Isle

Embark on a heartwarming adventure in Boomzap's captivating time management game, Chimp Quest: Spirit IsleM!

Join a group of resilient monkeys on a journey to find a new home! Things go south when their boat is hit by a storm and ends up on the shores of a mysterious island.
You'll have to explore the island's depths, uncover ruins, and meet other monkeys with unique tales to tell. Help the monkeys appease mysterious spirits and transform the island into a new home by managing resources, rescuing companions, and navigating the island's diverse biomes. Can you help the brave monkeys establish a new home against all odds?
  • Explore five diverse and beautiful biomes!
  • Conquer objectives, collect mojos, and appease angry spirits!
  • Time Management gameplay with a relaxing and challenging balance!
  • Uncover the mysteries and watch a heartwarming story unfold!
Configuration requise pour les jeux

Système d'exploitation: Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10/Windows 11

Processeur: 2.0 GHz

RAM: 4096 MB

DirectX: 9

Disque dur: 823 MB

Configuration requise pour l'application Big Fish Games

Navigateur : Internet Explorer 7 ou ultérieur


Chimp Quest: Spirit Isle

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Chimp Quest: Spirit Isle

Chimp Quest: Spirit Isle

Swing into a heartwarming tale!

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