The Scruffs
2nd Runner-Up Best Hidden Object Game of 2007
The Scruffs have enlisted your help to save their beloved family home from being sold. Grandpa Scruff has come up with a solution - an elaborate scavenger hunt to recover valuable artifacts, he's hidden around the house. But in a surprising twist, Grandpa Scruff also reveals that he's been hiding something else - a shocking family secret. Help the Scruffs stave off this looming family crisis and uncover the secret that will change their lives forever.
Configuration requise pour les jeux

Système d'exploitation: 10.7/OSX_10_6/OSX_10_5/OSX_10_4

Processeur: 800 Mhz

RAM: 256 MB

Disque dur: 56 MB

Configuration requise pour l'application Big Fish Games

Browser: Browser: Safari 4.0 or later


The Scruffs

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The Scruffs

The Scruffs

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