Tibet Quest

Tibet Quest

Jane`s father spent his life searching for city of Shangri La. On his final expedition he disappeared, leaving behind an unsolved mystery. Now, following the clues in her father`s journal, Jane travels to Tibet in search of answers. Guide Jane`s journey, carving her path through the treacherous mountain landscape with fast-paced Match 3 action and puzzle solving. Unlock power-up tools to overcome obstacles and build a hot air balloon, then finish the search for the fabled Shangri La.
Configuration requise pour les jeux

Système d'exploitation: Windows XP/Vista/7/8

Processeur: 600 Mhz

RAM: 256 MB

DirectX: 8

Disque dur: 59 MB

Configuration requise pour l'application Big Fish Games

Navigateur : Internet Explorer 7 ou ultérieur


Tibet Quest

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Tibet Quest

Tibet Quest

Search for the city of Shangri La.

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