Mac jeux > Jeux d'action et d'arcade jeux > Cooking Academy 2: World Cuisine
Cooking Academy 2: World Cuisine

Cooking Academy 2: World Cuisine

Welcome to the World Culinary Workshop! Cooking Academy 2 will put you in the kitchens of restaurants from all corners of the globe. From Chinese BBQ Pork Buns, to Mexican Tamales, to Japanese Sushi, make your way through 60 different recipes from eight different countries! Learn interesting trivia about food while mastering all new skills and mini-games including food processors, mixers, raiding the fridge and much more!
Configuration requise pour les jeux

Système d'exploitation: 10.4

Processeur: 800 Mhz

RAM: 256 MB

Disque dur: 92 MB

Configuration requise pour l'application Big Fish Games

Browser: Browser: Safari 4.0 or later


Cooking Academy 2: World Cuisine

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Cooking Academy 2: World Cuisine

Cooking Academy 2: World Cuisine

A whole world of food to prepare!

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