PC jeux > Aventure jeux > Diamon Jones: Devil's Contract
Diamon Jones: Devil's Contract

Diamon Jones: Devil's Contract

Diamon Jones, a famous archaeologist, decided to forget about the endless travels, excavations and ancient artifacts, going so far as to open a small restaurant in Paris. It was a simple and peaceful life until one unforgettable day, when a suspicious man appeared in Jones’ restaurant. The visitor was pursued by a strange man dressed as Elvis Presley and two-headed Cerberus dog! Go on a new adventure in Diamon Jones: Devil’s Contract, a fun Adventure game!
Configuration requise pour les jeux

Système d'exploitation: Windows XP/Vista/8

Processeur: 2.5 GHz

RAM: 1024 MB

DirectX: 9

Disque dur: 172 MB

Configuration requise pour l'application Big Fish Games

Navigateur : Internet Explorer 7 ou ultérieur


Diamon Jones: Devil's Contract

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Diamon Jones: Devil's Contract

Diamon Jones: Devil's Contract

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