Burn the Rope
Feed the fire to Burn the Rope and progress through different levels in this perplexing Puzzle game! Plan ahead and plot your moves carefully to proceed. Keep the flame alive by expertly guiding its path and using the special abilities of different bugs. With mesmerizing fire effects and gorgeous graphics, Burn the Rope will have you intrigued for hours and hours! Can you master the flames and solve the countless puzzles?
  • Feed the fire
  • Use special bugs
  • Make sure to Burn the Rope!
Configuration requise pour les jeux

Système d'exploitation: 10.5

Processeur: 800 Mhz (INTEL ONLY)

RAM: 256 MB

Disque dur: 38 MB

Configuration requise pour l'application Big Fish Games

Browser: Browser: Safari 4.0 or later


Burn the Rope

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Burn the Rope

Burn the Rope

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