PC jeux > Aventure jeux > Arvale: Treasure of Memories
Arvale: Treasure of Memories

Arvale: Treasure of Memories

Duncan Forsythe is the royal gardener of Entoque Castle. He spends his days battling nasty flower beds, hunting down poisonous weeds, and occasionally doing his Royal Majesty’s laundry. Meanwhile, the buzz around the castle is that Duncan once saved the world. This is news to Duncan since he can’t remember a thing that happened over the last few years. He definitely doesn’t remember saving the world. Unfortunately, he may have to – lest the world get thrown into turmoil yet again.

Dark forces are rising, and the key to defeating them lies in Duncan’s memory – the memory that is now scattered throughout the world of Arvale. Take him on an epic quest to retrieve those memories and thwart certain doom for the entire world, all the while battling monsters, exploring dungeons, challenging dragons, rescuing fair maidens, gathering friends and foes, and strangely enough, talking with wheelbarrows.
  • Large, immersive, visual world with a huge variety of locations
  • Interact with hundreds of amusing characters in the story
  • Overachieve with many side-quests
Configuration requise pour les jeux

Système d'exploitation: Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10

Processeur: 1.0 GHz

RAM: 256 MB

DirectX: 9

Disque dur: 277 MB

Configuration requise pour l'application Big Fish Games

Navigateur : Internet Explorer 7 ou ultérieur


Arvale: Treasure of Memories

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Arvale: Treasure of Memories

Arvale: Treasure of Memories

Epic Adventure, Epic Humor

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