Walkthrough Menu
- General Tips
- Chapter One: Primitive Age
- Chapter Two: Ancient Age
- Chapter Three: Middle Age
- Chapter Four: Golden Age
- Chapter Five: Modern Age
- Chapter Six: Advanced Age
- Trophies
General Tips
- Use the MENU button in the upper left to return to the Main Menu.
- The game autosaves automatically.
- There is a cut scene at the end of each Chapter that tells more about the history of the Emperor. You may skip this as desired; it’s just for story purposes.
- The game is divided into six Chapters, but the Chapters vary in length and difficulty.
- In each Chapter, you have several required (Primary) Tasks and some optional (Secondary) Tasks. You can review the Tasks at any time by clicking the TASK button in the upper right.
- More Tasks will be unlocked as the Chapter progresses.

- The last Primary Task for the first 5 Chapters involves building a new kind of housing that represents the next age. Once you complete this primary task, the Chapter will end and you will go on to the next one.
- In order to complete the Tasks, you will need to collect Resources. These might be Food Resources like Vegetables, Mushrooms, or Bread. They could be Building Material Resources like Clay Bricks, Wooden Planks, etc.
- You can acquire Resources in several different ways.
- In the beginning, you will find Resources in Hidden Object Scenes.

- Later you will be able to produce some in some of your buildings (like using a Farm to produce Vegetables for Food instead of having to gather Berries in the Forest).
- You will also receive some resources as rewards for completing Quests (mini-games).
- Finally, late in the game you will be able to purchase some resources at the Market and the Harbor.
- You have a great deal of freedom in the game for which resources you acquire when.
- You will not lose the game if you have run out of a particular kind of resource, although you may be slowed down by having to go acquire it. For example, if you run out of food your workers will not go to the Caverns to collect Ore and Coal. But you will still be able to send workers to at least one location where food can be gathered, so eventually you’ll have enough to start the other activities again.
- Any Secondary Tasks which are incomplete at the end of the Chapter can be completed in the next chapter. However, we recommend completing all of the Secondary Tasks for each chapter before starting the final primary task, as the game will go more smoothly that way.

- You will be able to collect Artifacts as you go through the game. The Artifacts are like power-ups—they let you collect more of a particular kind of resource.
- There is no timer on the regular gameplay. The game does keep track of how many "days" it takes you to complete a chapter, but there is no penalty or lost trophy for taking extra days.
- There is one bonus trophy which requires you to complete a Hidden Object scene in 20 seconds or less, and another bonus trophy for collecting 5 items in 5 seconds. These are optional trophies, and you can earn them at any time in the game. If you take more time, you still get to complete the scene, you just don’t get the trophy, but you can try for it again later.
- One of the trophies requires you to play a single session of two hours or more.
- Some Tasks, particularly those involving the construction of large buildings, take more than one "day" in game time, but you are free to do other activities while the work is going on. In fact, you’re going to have to do other activities or the game won’t know that the days have passed!
- Time does not pass in the game if you are just looking at the City view "map." The only way to get time to pass is to do a Hidden Object Scene or a Quest mini-game.
- If you need some resources that are not currently available and you want to get a new selection of Hidden Object Scenes to choose from, you will need to do one of the existing scenes or a Quest mini-game in order to get to a new "day" with a new selection.
General Tips for the Hidden Object Scenes
- You will be searching for "resources" (Mushrooms, sticks, clay, etc) that you can use to build your city.
- Instead of getting a specific Find List, you will be told what kinds of resources available are in the Hidden Object Scene and how many clicks it will take to fill your Basket.

- One click collects different amounts of different kinds of resources, so for example in the first Chapter one click of Berries equals 3 units of food but one click of Mushrooms equals 5 units of food. That means Mushrooms are a more valuable food source than Berries, because you get more of them with each click.
- It’s up to you to decide which items to collect in each scene.
- Objects are generally realistic in terms of size and color, although some are slightly larger than real life.
- Although you are allowed to leave a Hidden Object Scene before you have filled your Basket all the way, it’s better to go ahead and collect as much as you can carry. Even if you don’t have a current need for a type of resource, you’ll be able to use it later in the game.
- Warning: clicking on the MENU button and returning to the Map during a Hidden Object will end that "day." You may not be able to find the exact same scene again. This is particularly important if there is an Artifact available in the scene.
- There is no timer for the Hidden Object Scenes.
- There are no penalties for wrong clicks, but there is a trophy you can earn for accuracy.
- You cannot tell the Hint what kind of item you are looking for. So for example if a scene has Berries and Reeds and you want Reeds for a specific Task, the Hint might show you a Berry.
- If you have taken a long time to click, the game will show you a sparkle on one of the available items. However, just like the HINT button, it may not be the type of item you want.
- When you have collected all of the items of one type of resource, it will be removed from the Available list.
- If you have exhausted all of the available items of the type you wanted, go ahead and collect some of the other types to fill your Basket.
- Each visit to a Hidden Object Scene or Mini-game counts as one "day" in your city.
- You will be charged for food and fuel at the start of each day, so try and use your days wisely.
- Different scenes are available at different points in the game, so don’t assume you’ll be able to come back to the same scene the next day.
- Each available Hidden Object Scene is marked with which resources are available there. Since you can only visit one Hidden Object Scene per day, this will help you decide which to select.
- The resource icons on the locations do NOT tell you exactly how many of each kind of resource is available. A location might be marked with Logs, Clay, and Gold, but when you open it there is only one Log to acquire.
- The exact type and number of resources in each location appears to be random, but eventually you will be able to get everything you need.
- When you collect resources, pay close attention to the quantity that fits in the Basket. For example, one click of Berries is worth 3 units of food, but one click of Mushrooms is worth 5. On the Farm, one click of Vegetables is worth as much as 65 units of food (with power-ups), while a click of Cheese is worth 30.
- Some Hidden Object scenes have Artifacts or required Task items. These do not require space in your Basket.
- You will revisit some of the Hidden Object Scenes more than once, but the objects are placed randomly each time. You might find a Log in the same place as last time or in a different place or find no Logs at all. This is because each time you visit is a different day.
- It is quite common for there to be more objects of a type than you will want to collect on a specific day. For example, if you are collecting Brushwood for fuel and Mushrooms for Food on the same trip into the forest, you may leave some Brushwood uncollected. That’s fine.
- There are no penalties for inaccurate clicks. However, you do have to be careful that you are picking up exactly the items you want, as once you put something into the Basket you cannot take it out again.
- Some of the items look similar depending on the lighting and angle. In particular, brushwood and brown reeds, clay tiles and clay bricks, ore and clay, and gems and coal (which looks like a black gem). Stone bricks and Clay bricks look identical, but occur in different scenes. So choose carefully.
- If you click on frogs at the lake, they will jump away. Occasionally they are blocking a valuable item, particularly gold.
- You can only collect items if they are on the Available List. For example, if you go to the Carpenter to collect wooden Planks and you see some vegetables there, you won’t be allowed to collect them, because those vegetables belong to the Carpenter and are not for sale.
- Some items represent a category. Vegetables can be anything from a chili pepper to a pumpkin. Grain can be either a bunch of wheat or a handful of seeds. Clay Figurines are represented in the Available List by a horse, but could also be a rooster, a clay fish, or even an elephant.
- Notice that each time you return to a location, the items there are randomly distributed. There may be more Berries than last time, or fewer. Some will be in the same spots; some will be in new ones. Just think of it like real life—you’re going back to a spot in the forest where you’ve been before, but on a different day.
General Tips for the City Building/Research Tasks
- When you click on the center part of the city you go to the research area. Here you can see what research projects are available.
- When you click on a research project, it will tell you how many resources it will take to complete it and how many you have.
- If a research task will not complete instantly you will see a Sundial with a number next to it to indicate the number of days needed.

- You may click on a research task and then decide to cancel and come back later when you have more resources.
- After you look at one research project, you may look at others under the Development tab.
- When you are done looking at the Development Scroll, click OK in the lower left to go back to the City Map.
- Once you are back on the City Map if a Mallet icon appears at a building, it means a research task is available there.

- You will eventually have to complete all research tasks, so it’s up to you which ones you do first.
- Some research projects take more than one day. Just continue with your other tasks and resource gathering and the game will tell you when the research is complete.
- During the first 5 chapters, your last primary goal will be to research a new type of housing. Once you complete this research, the Chapter will end, even if you have unfinished secondary goals.
- The scorecard at the end of the chapter will tell you how many days you took, but there is no trophy or other bonus for finishing more quickly.
- The resources you collect carry over to the next chapter.
- As the game progresses your population will rise, and you will need more and more food and fuel to get through a day. For that reason it’s a good idea to put off that last building research until you’ve completed all the secondary goals available, as well as collected all the artifacts and built up some stores of food and fuel. This is because it’s easier to do these tasks earlier in the game when the population requirements are lower.
- For Chapter 6, the last primary task is building the Colossus Statue.
- If you need a particular kind of resource and it’s not currently available, you have to get to a new "day" in the city. The only way to make the time pass is to go into Hidden Object Scenes or to do a Mini-game. If you just wait on the main City view time will not pass.
- WARNING: POTENTIAL DEAD END! Because time does not pass while you are just waiting on the City Map, there is one possible Dead End very early in the game. You will get a task that requires you to collect a minimum of 2 clicks’ of Brushwood (a total of 10 units). However, you will need 15 units (3 clicks) in order to perform the next research task—and there is no other way at this point in the game to make a day go by!
- You will automatically avoid this Dead End if you are following the practice of always collecting the maximum amount you can carry, because you’ll have collected at least 3 clicks of brushwood.
- Unfortunately if you do hit this dead end, the only thing you can do is create a new profile and start over, but at least it comes very early in the game so you won’t have lost much.
General Tips for the Mini-games
- Each chapter has at least one mini-game in the city-building portion. Some chapters have 5 or 6 mini-games.
- Mini-games are called Quests.
- When you see a citizen with an exclamation point over their head, it means talking to them will trigger a mini-game. They will explain the purpose of the game. You may choose to play it at that time or cancel and come back later.
- If you want to skip the mini-game altogether, click on the citizen, then click on the PLAY button. Wait for the SKIP meter to recharge, then click on it.
- You can skip any mini-game once the SKIP button recharges. There’s no direct penalty, but one of the trophies can only be earned by completing all the mini-games.
- The HINT button works during most of the mini-games, but its meaning can be unclear. For example, if you need to take an inventory item and use it somewhere in the scene, you may get a very quick sparkle over the inventory item and the spot in the scene at the same time, but it’s easy to miss one or the other.
- Mini-games may appear mid-chapter as you complete specific buildings or tasks.
- Instructions for the mini-games can be obscure. The Spoiler section has a full set of instructions for each mini-game.
- Some mini-games have Hidden Object scenes. In these, it is essential to pay attention to the cursor.
- In the Hidden Object Scene mini-games, instead of an Available List you may just see an empty inventory tray. For these, you must move the cursor across the scene. Anywhere it turns into a grabbing hand, there is something you can pick up and put in your inventory tray. It is up to you to figure out how to use these later.

- The inventory tray will expand if needed to hold more items.
- Some objects in the inventory tray can be used more than once. If so, you will be able to put them back into the inventory tray by clicking on an empty slot. An object will disappear once you can no longer use it.
- To use an object from the inventory tray, click on it once to attach it to your cursor. Then move your cursor across the scene until it turns into gears. Click at that spot, and the inventory object will be used.
- Note that unlike some other games, the gears will only appear when you have the correct object attached to the cursor. For example, suppose you want to collect some water from a stream. You have a bowl and a bucket in your inventory tray. You click on the bowl and move it over the stream. Nothing happens, so you click on the inventory tray again to return the bowl to inventory. Now you click on the bucket. When you move it across the stream, the cursor changes to gears. Click there to collect water in the bucket.

- At the end of most mini-games you will receive a bonus, like 50 Olives or 25 Planks. For some mini-games, you will receive an Artifact.
General Tips for the Tools and Artifacts
- Both Tools and Artifacts increase the number of resources you collect with a single click.
- The difference is that Tools get used up each "day." Artifacts last from the time you acquire them until the end of the game.

- You get your first set of tools by researching them at the City Center After that, you get more of them by finding them in a Hidden Object Scene at the building that produces them.
- The Carpenter will produce wooden tools, like Wooden Dishes.
- The Forge will produce metal tools, like Garden Tools, Axes, and Shovels.
- You get many of your Artifacts by buying them in the Artifact Shop at the Temple. You may also get some in the Hidden Object Scenes or as rewards.
- You can visit the Artifact Shop when a treasure chest icon appears next to the Temple. Click on the treasure chest (not the temple itself) to see what’s available.
- Tools and Artifacts often have complex descriptions, such as saying that this will make a kind of tool "last longer" or that it will keep a kind of crop from dying. However, regardless of the description, almost all of the tools and artifacts work in the same way—by increasing the number of resources of that item type you can collect with a single click.
- The other type of artifact increases the number of items you can carry.
- New Artifacts are added throughout the game. If you need to collect Ore, check the Artifact Shop to see if there is an Artifact available that increases the amount of Ore per click.
- Later in the game you may be locked out of a Hidden Object Scene if you don’t have the right kind of Tools on hand. They will show up for acquisition eventually, but you may have to wait awhile.
Chapter One: Primitive Age
- This is the introductory Chapter. You will learn how to collect resources and do research.
- The last primary task is research to learn how to build clay houses.
- Most of the time there will be only one Hidden Object Scene available.
Top Tips for Chapter One
- Avoid the Dead End! Always collect the maximum number of items you can carry for a day. In particular, make sure you collect at least 3 clicks worth of Brushwood the first time it is available.
- Get used to working with an Available List instead of a Find List. Remember that individual items for a category can vary a lot.
- Do optional steps before completing required ones, or you may not get a chance to do the optional ones. For example, collect the Poison Mushrooms (an optional task) before putting regular items in your Basket.
- Check the Task List and do all Secondary Tasks before starting the last Primary Task for the Chapter.
- Collect Artifacts as soon as they become available, since they will increase the number of resources you get going forward. For example, when you see the Golden Scissors, collect them before you start collecting Reeds, and you’ll end up with more Reeds in your Basket.
- To skip a mini-game, first click on the Citizen with the exclamation point. Then click on PLAY. When the SKIP meter is fully charged, click on it to skip the mini-game. You will still receive the reward.
Care for the People Primary Task
- This is a tutorial task. You will have to collect 10 units of berries and 10 units of Brushwood to complete the task.
- An important detail to learn during this task is that one click does not mean one unit of a resource. Berries provide 3 units of food with one click. Brushwood provides 5 units of Fuel with one click.
- A click takes one space in the Basket, but your inventory will be credited with the total number of units of the resource.
- Begin by clicking on the Berries icon by the Lake. A Hidden Object Scene will open.
- Notice that the Berries come in different colors and sizes.
- Although there are more than 10 available, you can only carry 10 clicks’ worth.

- Once you have collected 10, the Hidden Object scene will automatically close and return you to the City Map.
- Now you need Brushwood for fuel. There is some available at the Forest.
- Warning: potential dead end! Although the task only requires you to collect two Baskets of Brushwood (10 units), you need 15 to start the next Task, and at this point in the game that’s the only way to make a day go by and open new Hidden Object Scenes. So even though the game only requires you to get 2 clicks of Brushwood, make sure you get at least 3.
- If you’re following the practice of always collecting the maximum you can carry, you won’t run into this problem.
- If you do hit the Dead End, unfortunately the only thing you can do is create a new Profile and start over. Fortunately this comes very early in the game so the only scene you’ll have to redo is picking the berries.

Braiding Research and the Basket Artifact
- The game will direct you to click on the center circle. From now on, this is how you can find out what research is available for you to do.
- Doing research will cost you in resources. When you click on a picture on the Development Scroll, you’ll be told how many resources are required. You can choose to start the research immediately, or cancel and do it later.
- Go ahead and research BRAIDING. This will require 5 units of food and 15 units of Brushwood. (Note: if you only have 10 units of Brushwood, you’ve hit the Dead End described in the previous section.)
- As soon as the Braiding research is complete, you’ll see a new picture lit up on the Development Scroll—a Basket.
- When you click on the Basket, you’ll see that you need more Reeds before you can start it. Cancel for now.
- Close the Development Scroll by clicking OK and go back to the Map.
- The Forest will show that Reeds, Brushwood, and Berries are available there.
Primary Task: Reeds
- Go into the Forest, do the Hidden Object scene, and collect at least 6 clicks’ worth of Reeds.
- Notice that it’s the same forest, but you are in a different location this time. Locations will appear randomly during the game.

- Collect 4 clicks’ worth of anything else you like, including extra Reeds. It’s up to you.
- Then click on the City Center again and complete the Basket research.
- Now you have your first Artifact: a Basket. You can also now collect 12 items per Day instead of 10.
Primary Task: Mushrooms
- After you receive the Basket and return to the Map, you’ll see that resources are available at the Lake. There are Reeds, Mushrooms, and a Golden Scissors.
- The Golden Scissors is an Artifact that you will find in pieces in the Hidden Object Scene at the Lake.
- When you start the Hidden Object Scene, collect the Scissors first. That will enable you to collect more 2 more Reeds with each click from now on.

- Because the Golden Scissors are an Artifact, they do not take up any space in your Basket.
- Collect at least 5 clicks of Mushrooms to fulfill the Collect Mushrooms task.
- Collect the maximum you can carry, then return to the Map.

Poisonous Mushrooms
- You will have to find all the Poisonous Mushrooms and click on them to throw them away. Poisonous Mushrooms have red tops.
- You will only be able to find two per day. There are a total of six altogether.
- Because you are throwing them away, they don’t take up any space in your Basket.
- Make sure you click on the Poisonous Mushrooms before you click on the last item you can carry, or you’ll leave the day without collecting it.

- The scorecard for each Hidden Object Scene will tell you how many Poisonous Mushrooms you have found. Once you have found them all, you receive a new Artifact, the Book of Mushrooms. This will add two to the number of food units you get for each click of Mushrooms.
Researching Clay
- Once you have enough Reeds, you can start the Clay research.
- The sundial is marked with a "1" to show that this Research will take one day to complete.
- Click on RESEARCH to start the research, then OK to return to the Map. You can then do something else to make the day pass while you’re waiting for the research to complete.
Choosing the Next Hidden Object Scene
- At this point two locations will be available: the Forest and the Lake. You will choose the next one to go to depending on the resources you want to collect. In this case, we’re getting low on Brushwood and we want to continue working on the Poisonous Mushrooms secondary task, so we’ll go to the Forest.
- The exact location of objects will be random.
- Remember to collect both Poisonous Mushrooms before you collect the last of the items to go in your Basket, or the day will end automatically before you can collect them.

New Resource: Clay
- You will now be notified that the research into Clay is complete, and you will be able to collect it when you find it.
- The Forest icon shows that Clay is available there, as well as the last two Poisonous Mushrooms, so let’s collect some.
- Remember to collect the two Poisonous Mushrooms before collecting the last of the items to go in your Basket.

Repair the Bridge Mini-game
- Click on the Citizen with the exclamation mark near the Caverns to trigger the mini-game.

- You must repair 3 sections of the bridge (3 turns of the mini-game) by using the pieces of wood above onto the bridge.
- This is easier than it looks because it turns out the horizontal lines are meaningless for the puzzle—they’re just holding the sections of bridge together. So there are many possible solutions.
- Here is ours for stage 1:

- Now that you have the idea, here are solutions for stage 2 and stage 3:

- You can also choose to skip the mini-game.
- Either way, this will complete the Secondary Task: Repair the Bridge to the Caverns.
- Once the bridge is complete, hover the cursor over the Natural Resources tab to see how much Clay we have now. We’re going to need more Clay to build Clay Houses.

- You can visit the Caverns and collect more clay. Clay can be hard to distinguish from rocks. Look for texture as well as color. Here are some examples (your exact locations may vary).

Research Clay Houses
- If you need more reeds, go to the Forest again. You will need 75 units of Clay and 55 units of Reed to start the Clay Houses research.
- Once you have enough resources to research Building Clay Houses, click on the City Center and start that research.
- This will end the Chapter and you will get a scorecard showing how you did. The exact number of Days will vary, but there is no penalty for taking more days.
- Notice that you haven’t actually constructed the Clay Houses yet—you’ve just done the Research to prepare you for the next age.
- If you missed any of the Secondary Tasks, you will be able to complete them in the next Chapter.
Chapter Two: Ancient Age
- The last Primary Task for this Chapter is research to build stone (brick) houses.
- You will also build a Farm, a Forge, and a Sauna in this Chapter.
Top Tips for Chapter Two
- Do the mini-games as soon as they become available in this Chapter, as the Artifacts you receive will help you collect more resources.
- Once the Forge is built, research Axes as your first Tools since Fuel is required for many different activities.
- It’s worth collecting the Grindstone Artifact from the Mountains. You will collect Wood faster, and you won’t have to pay for the Grindstone if you find it yourself. Otherwise you will have to buy it in a later Chapter from the Artifact Shop.
- Collect Logs whenever they are available in a scene. They are a very valuable source of Fuel.
- There is no penalty for incorrect clicks. However, you cannot remove an item from your Basket once you’ve collected it, so if you click on an Axe thinking it’s a Hoe, you’re stuck with it.
- This is the last Chapter where you will not be forced to collect more Fuel and Food if you run out, so you can do activities in pretty much any order you like, and you may find you can finish the chapter fastest by letting Fuel and Food go down to 0 occasionally.
- It is a good idea to stockpile at least 75 units of Food and 50 units of Fuel before beginning Chapter 3.
Primary Quest: Ore
- Start by visiting the Mountains in the upper left of the Map. You will find Ore there.
- Ore can be quite hard to see, and is easily mistaken for Clay in locations that have both since it tends to have a mix of orange, black, and blue colors. We found that if we searched for something that looked like a Monarch Butterfly, it was often Ore. Here are some examples, although your exact item locations may differ.

Ore and the Forge
- Once you have collected at least 30 units of Ore (6 clicks), you will be able to research its properties so you can use it in the Forge.
- To build the Forge, you will need 70 units of Ore, 50 units of Clay, and 50 units of Reeds. You can collect these in any sequence you like as various Hidden Object Scenes become available.
- There are two mini-games that occur fairly early in the Chapter: collecting a Clay Idol and collecting a Magnet. We recommend doing both as soon as they are available as these Artifacts will increase the amount of resources you collect.
Clay Figure Mini-game
- There is a Find List at the bottom of the scene which shows you what you need to collect: 5 pieces of Chain, 10 gems, an amulet Frame, the pickaxe Handle and the Pickaxe Head. These are marked in the screenshot.

- After you have collected everything, click on the Chain and hang it from the hook in the ceiling.
- Click on the Pickaxe Handle and combine it with the Pickaxe Head. It will go back into your inventory.

- Click on the Gems and combine them with the frame. This will trigger a puzzle. Fit the gem pieces into the frame. The bluer pieces go at the top and the greener ones go at the bottom.

- The completed Amulet will go back in your inventory.
- Click on the Amulet and hang it on the Chain. Beams of light will shoot out from it.
- Click on the Pickaxe and use it at the end of each beam of light. Eventually you will uncover the Clay Idol. (You can tell because your cursor will change to a grabbing hand.) Collect the Idol.

- From now on the amount of Clay you collect for one click will be increased by 5.
- Starting in Chapter Three, if you run low on Food or Fuel you will be locked out of other locations until you collect more. However, that is not true in this Chapter, so we recommend moving on to the Magnet Mini-game as soon as it becomes available.
- Once you start to build the Forge, you will see the Blacksmith standing out in front. When he has an Exclamation Point over his head, click on him to start the Magnet Mini-game.
Magnet Mini-game
- There is no Find List, just blank slots in the inventory tray.
- Begin by collecting the Metal Cubes that are around the cavern.
- Also collect the Bucket, the Sack, and the Hammer. The Hammer is hidden behind the left side of the inventory tray, but you can tell where it is because the cursor changes to a grabbing hand. Just click where the hand appears.

- Click on the Bucket in your inventory and click it on the pool of water to the right of the inventory tray. It will go back into your inventory as a Bucket filled with Water.
- Click on the Metal Cubes in your inventory and then on the empty sack. It will go back into your inventory as a Sack filled with Metal.
- Put the Sack filled with Metal on the Anvil. Click where the cursor turns to gears.
- Hit the Sack with the Hammer. You will get a powder which is Crushed Metal and this will go back into your Inventory.

- Click on the Crushed Metal in your inventory and click it on the wall high in the center. It will blow around a little and then stick. That tells you where the Magnet is.
- Click on the Bucket filled with Water and click it on the place where the Crushed Metal stuck to the wall. (Click where the cursor turns to gears.) This will reveal the Magnet.
- Collect the Magnet. From now on you will get 5 additional units of Ore with each click.

- Continue collecting Clay and Ore until you have enough to finish the Forge and research Axes.
- Once the Forge is built you can begin making Tools there.
- We recommend doing the research for the Axe before doing the research for the Farm Tools. The Axe will help you gather wood more quickly, and that in turn will help you with the other tasks.
- You need 40 units of Ore, 10 units of Fuel (Brushwood) and 25 units of Clay to complete the Axe Research.
- The Grindstone is an Artifact available in the Mountains. When you have one, your Axes will be sharper and that will help you gather more wood per click.
- If you find it for yourself in the Mountains you don’t have to pay anything for it and you can start using it right away. If you wait until the next Chapter and buy it in the Artifact Shop, it will cost you resources.

- Because it is an Artifact, the Grindstone pieces don’t take up room in your Basket, so you can also collect Ore and/or Reeds while you’re in the Mountains.
- You only need to do the Axe research once to learn how to make them. At the end of the research, you will automatically have your first set of ten Axes. From then on, every time you enter a Hidden Object Scene where Logs are available, you will use up five Axes from your inventory.
- To get more Axes, you will need to click on the Forge to make them. This will use up some Wood and some Ore from your inventory. You will be taken to a Hidden Object Scene which shows the yard outside the Forge. You will have to search for Axes and collect them. Always collect as many items as you can carry.
- Axes will vary in size and somewhat in shape. Most have a curvy handle.

- Later in the game you will be able to make additional kinds of items at the Forge. Then when you enter the Hidden Object Scene you will choose which ones you want to collect each time.
- Axes can look a lot like Pickaxes or Hoes (a Garden Tool), so select carefully.
New Resource: Logs
- Once you have made Axes, Logs will sometimes be available, particularly in the Forest and at the Lake. A Log provides more units of wood per click than Brushwood, up to 30 per click if you have the Grindstone Artifact.
- Logs can look like a complete log, a half log, a rough plank, a quarter log, and be seen from any angle.

- Once you have collected 10 Logs you will have completed another Secondary Task.
Garden Tools
- The research for Garden Tools will be available in the City Center or from a sign in front of the Forge.
- You cannot build a Farm until you have 75 Garden Tools.
- You will need 40 units of Ore, 20 units of Wood, and 20 units of Clay to complete this Research and get your first set of Garden Tools. You may collect these resources in any order you like.
- Once you have done the research for the Garden Tools, you will automatically get your first set of ten Garden Tools.
- Garden Tools are a Category including hoes, the metal park of a pitchfork, hand rakes, clippers, etc. They will be used on the Farm to increase the number of Fruits and Vegetables you collect with one click.
- To get more Garden Tools, you will need to click on the Forge to make them. This will use up some Wood and some Ore from your inventory. You will be taken to the Hidden Object Scene for the yard outside the Forge.
- Some of the tools that you see in the scene, like the Tongs, the Fireplace Shovel, and the Hook, belong to the Blacksmith and cannot be collected.

Gathering Resources
- You need Clay and Garden Tools to start a Farm.
- You need Wood and Ore to make Garden Tools.
- Once you have Axes, you can collect Wood faster.
- Once you have a Grindstone, your Axes will be sharper and you will collect even more Wood.
- You will be able to visit the Mountains, the Caverns, the Forest, and the Lake at various times, so just collect resources however you prefer.
- We recommend visiting the Forge to collect 1 set of Axes, then using the Forge primarily to collect Garden Tools, but it’s up to you.
The Farm and Magic Seeds
- You need 50 units of Clay, 75 Garden Tools, and 25 Reeds to begin Researching the Farm.
- This will take several trips to the Forge. Remember to collect Garden Tools before Axes to make sure you get all the ones available each day.
- Once you have the resources, begin researching the Farm. As soon as you do, you will get a message that "the people are hungry" and you need to find the Magic Seeds. These are an Artifact that will increase the amount of Fruits and Vegetables you collect with one click.
- There are Magic Seeds in the Forest and at the Lake. You need both sets and it doesn’t matter where you start.
- Because the Magic Seeds are an Artifact, they will not take up space in your Basket.

- Once the Farm is ready, there will be more Magic Seeds there. Remember to collect them before you fill your Basket with Fruits and Vegetables, or the Day will end before you can collect them. The Magic Seeds will add +5 to each click of Fruits and Vegetables you collect.
- Note that Fruits and Vegetables is a Category. The individual items can be anything from a chili pepper to a watermelon.

Pickaxe and Stone Bricks
- The Forge can also make a Tool to help collect Stone Bricks. This is the Pickaxe. You will need 40 units of Ore, 20 units of Wood, and 20 units of Clay to do this research and receive your first set.
- You can get more later at the Forge. Pickaxes generally have straight handles and Axes generally have curvy handles.

- Once you have done the research for the Pickaxe, you will unlock Stone Bricks as a Resource and building the Sauna as a Task.
- Stone Bricks are a natural resource that you will collect, usually in the Caverns, but sometimes in the Mountains. Clay Bricks are a Building Material you will make at the Potter. They look exactly the same much of the time, but are not found in the same locations.
- Stone Bricks are sometimes just called "stones" in the game.
- Stone Bricks can be quite hard to see if they are partially hidden or turned on edge.
- Also note that in the example scene there are burning logs in the fireplace that look like Ore, but are not.

The Maze
- Click on the Citizen with the exclamation point near the Caverns to trigger this mini-game.
- This is a fairly simple maze. There is no timer. You have to collect all 10 stones.
- Click on the Torch once and it will attach to your cursor. Now move the torch where you want to go following the walls of the maze.
- As soon as you touch a Stone, it will be collected.
- It’s unclear if there is anything random about this, but here’s the maze as we encountered it:

- You will be rewarded with some Stone Bricks.
The Sauna
- To research building the Sauna, you will need 30 Stone Bricks and 20 Reeds. This will take 5 days to complete.
- Now we are waiting for the Sauna to finish. The only way to make another day go by is to do another Hidden Object Scene. You can collect Resources in the Forest.
Plumbing Mini-game
- At this point we were still waiting for the Sauna to complete building.
- A few days into construction of the Sauna a citizen will appear by the unfinished Sauna to tell you the plumbing needs fixing.

- The pipe pieces do not rotate, so just place them were they will complete the pipe.
- Once the Sauna is complete, you will receive an additional 5 units of Stone Bricks for each click.
Researching Stone Houses
- We need 150 units of Stone Bricks and 50 units of Clay to complete this research, so continue collecting Resources in any sequence you like.
- It is also a good idea to stockpile about 100 units of Food and 50 units of Fuel before going on to the next Chapter, although that’s optional.
Chapter Three: Middle Age
- The last Primary Task for this Chapter is researching Clay Brick houses.
Top Tips for Chapter 3:
- You are going to build two different Temples in this Chapter—the Heathen Temple near the Mountains and the Oracle Temple near the Sea.
- Sometime during the Chapter, the workers will ask for a Day Off. This is set up as a research task for the Heathen Temple, but all it really means is that you have to gathered a great deal of food so that you can have a big feast for all the workers. You will find this task as an Icon next to the Heathen Temple, or on the Development Scroll in the City Center.
- Do the Tie Up the Vegetables Mini-game as soon as it becomes available, because it will give you a larger Basket that will help you when gathering all kinds of resources.
- If you are in a scene with Frogs, click on the Frogs. They will jump away, sometimes revealing that they were sitting on a drop of Gold!
- Beginning in this Chapter you will see small signs with red circles and lines through them on various locations. This will occur when you don’t have enough resources (including basic Food and Fuel) to complete a day in that location. Mouse over the sign to see exactly what resources you need for the location.
- There will always be at least one location open where you can collect the needed Food and Fuel, although it may take you more than a "day" to get enough to continue elsewhere.
- If you are missing other resources, you may just have to wait until they reappear. Remember that you can only make days pass in the game by doing Hidden Object scenes or mini-games, so you may have to spend time collecting resources you don’t need yet just to get time to pass.
- You can also get locked out if you require a Tool that the location now requires. In these cases you will have to make more of the Tools at the Forge (or Carpenter, or Potter, depending on the exact Tools required). Mouse over the red circle sign to see just what’s missing.

- Early in the chapter you will have a choice between doing research on the Potter’s Shop, the Level 2 Forge, and the Level 2 Farm. You need all 3 of them for the City Development Primary Task, so the order you work in is up to you, but it will probably be most efficient to build the Forge first, then the Potter, and finally the Level 2 Farm.
- You need a lot of Clay in this Chapter and the Potter is going to be kept very busy. The Oracle will be able to get you an Artifact that will increase the amount of Clay you find with each click. The Oracle also has an Artifact that will increase the amount of Clay Dishes you get with each click. So we do recommend building the Heathen Temple and then the Oracle Temple before you get too far along in the Potter’s sequence.
- Save the Mining research task for the last step before the Clay Brick Houses task.
The Level 2 Forge
- This upgrade requires 75 units of Ore, 60 units of Stone Bricks, and 30 units of Clay. It takes 5 days to complete, so it’s a good idea to start it right away.
- Keep an eye on the Forge while it’s building, as it’s possible to use up some of the resources in other tasks. If this happens, you will see a sign in front of the Forge that construction work has stopped. Collect the missing resources and construction work will begin again.
The Shovel
- The Shovel adds to productivity on both the Farm and in the Mines. It’s a Tool you will make at the Forge.
- The research for Shovels will be available in the City Center or from a sign in front of the Forge.
- You will need 100 units of Ore and 60 units of Wood to complete this Research and get your first set of Shovels. You may collect these resources in any order you like.
- To get more Shovels, you will need to click on the Forge to make them. This will use up some Wood and some Ore from your inventory. You will be taken to the Hidden Object Scene for the yard outside the Forge.
- Shovels are usually just the metal part of the Shovel, although sometimes they come with a handle.

Torches Quest Mini-game
- There will be a Citizen with an exclamation point near the Caverns who will tell you that torches are needed there.
- Click to place a torch.
- Click on the torch again if you want to pick it up and move it elsewhere.
- There appears to be only one possible solution to the Quest, but Torches do NOT lock in place when set correctly.

- Once you complete this, you will receive an additional 5 units of Stone Bricks per click.
The Heathen Temple
- In addition to building a Temple for the Oracle by the Seaside, you will also have to build a Heathen Temple, which is just below and to the right of the Mountains.
- You will need 40 Stone Bricks and 15 Pickaxes to start the Research for the Heathen Temple.
Days Off
- Sometime during the Chapter, the workers will ask for a Day Off. This is set up as a research task for the Heathen Temple, but all it really means is that you have to gathered a great deal of food so that you can have a big feast for all the workers.
- You will need 500 units of Food to do this "research" and give the workers a day off.
- Once you have gathered the food, click on the Mallet Icon by the Heathen Temple, or click on the Research Task on the Development Scroll at the City Center.

The Oracle Temple
- This temple is by the seaside. The Heathen Temple is closer to the Mountains.
- The Oracle Temple is a place for the City Oracle to live. She will be able to locate valuable Artifacts for you.
- You need 60 Stone Bricks and 30 units of Clay to research the Oracle Temple. It takes 1 Day to complete this research.
- Once you complete the Oracle Temple, you will be able to buy Artifacts there from time to time.
- Click on the Treasure Chest next to the Temple, not the Temple itself, to see the Artifacts for sale.
Paint and Sand Artifacts
- Once you have the Kiln and the Potter’s Wheel at the Potter, go to the Artifact Shop at the Temple whenever convenient and purchase the Sand Artifact. This will increase the amount of Clay you get per click by 5 units.
- You will need 50 units of Clay and 50 units of Fuel to purchase Sand.
- You can also purchase the Paint Artifact to increase the number of Garden Tools you get per click by 3 units. You will need 30 units of Clay, 30 units of Fuel, and 20 units of Reeds to purchase it.
Magic Stones Quest Mini-game
- The Oracle will appear outside the temple with an Exclamation Point over her head.
- Click on the Oracle (not the Treasure Chest) to trigger the Mini-game.

- Click on PLAY to open a Hidden Object Scene.
- The Inventory Tray starts out empty, so you just have to look around the scene for places where the cursor turns into a grabbing hand.
- You can see 3 Magic Stones on the far shore, but you can’t get to them yet.
- You can collect a Bucket, 5 pieces of Rope, a Grappling Hook, an Axe, and a Stone.

- Use the Axe on the tree stump on the right of the scene and it will split, revealing more Magic Stones. Collect them.
- Combine the Hook and the Rope in your inventory.
- Now take the Hook and move it near the tree on the far side (close to the middle Magic Stone). Find the place where the cursor turns into Gears and click there. Now you are allowed to collect the Magic Stones on the far side.
- Put the Stone in the fire.
- Put the Bucket in the water and click where the cursor turns into gears. Now you have a Bucket with Water.
- Put the Water on the Stone in the fire and it will crack, revealing two more Magic Stones. Collect them.

The Potter
- You will need 75 units of Clay, 60 units of Stone Bricks, and 30 units of Reeds to research building the Potter’s Shop.
- After you build the Potter’s Shop, you will need to research the Kiln (for Clay Bricks) and the Potter’s Wheel (for Clay Dishes).
- You will need 90 units of Clay and 75 units of Fuel to research the Potter’s Wheel.
- You will need 90 units of Clay and 80 units of Fuel to research the Kiln.
- Because that is so much Clay, we recommend purchasing the Sand Artifact at the Oracle Temple before getting the Kiln and the Wheel.
- Once this research is complete the Potter’s Shop will work just like the Forge. You’ll see a sign outside showing what items are available for sale.
- When you click on the Potter, you will open a Hidden Object Scene. The Available List will remind you of what’s available. You can collect whichever items you need, up to the maximum your Basket will carry.
- This process will take one day in game time.
- Clay Bricks may be tan or gray. The gray ones look just like the Stone Bricks from the Caverns, but the two resources do not appear in the same scenes. They will be needed for many kinds of buildings.
- Clay Dishes is a category. This can be anything from a cup to a bowl to a large pot. These are needed for the Level 2 Farm.

Varnish Artifact
- The Varnish Artifact is available for sale at the Artifact Shop.
- Click on the Treasure Chest next to the Temple to open the Shop.
- Click on the BUY button next to the Varnish Artifact to see the resources required.
- You will need 30 units of Clay, 30 units of Fuel, and 30 units of Food to buy the Artifact.
- From now on, you will get 5 extra units per click when you collect Clay Dishes at the Potter.
Resource Gathering
- Because you have so many buildings to complete in this chapter, you will have to do multiple Hidden Object Scenes to collect Stone Bricks and Clay, as well as basic Food and Fuel for the workers. You will also need to go to the Forget to replenish Tools as needed.
- At this stage the Vegetables from the Farm will provide the most food per click, but if you get locked out of the Farm you can still collect Berries and Mushrooms for food.
Tie up the Vegetables Mini-game
- Your reward for this is a larger Basket than can carry more items per day, so it will be useful in collecting all types of resources. We recommend doing it as soon as it appears.
- Start the game by clicking on the Citizen with the exclamation point standing near the Farm.
- In this mini-game you must move the posts so that every vegetable plant is on one of the lines.
- The plants will light up when they are on a line.
- To move a post, click once on the post you want to move. This will attach it to your cursor.
- Now move your cursor to where you want to put the post.
- Click again to drop the post there.
- The first stage is a tutorial—just follow the directions. Here are the other solutions.

- Now you have a Basket that can carry 13 clicks’ worth of items per day.
The Cellar
- You need Shovels to build the Cellar.
- It can wait until after you complete the Potter.
- You need 25 Shovels and 50 Stone Bricks for this research.
- This will increase the amount of Vegetables you collect with one click.
The Level 2 Farm
- You will need to have built the Potter’s Shop and researched the Potter’s Wheel before you can get the Clay Dishes you need for the Level 2 Farm upgrade.
- You need 115 Stone Bricks, 65 Garden Tools, and 60 Clay Dishes to do this research.
Cellar Light Quest Mini-game
- Click on the Citizen with the exclamation point near the Farm to trigger the mini-game.
- You must place the mirrors so that they reflect a path of light all the way to the object in the lower right.
- You do not need to light all parts of the maze—just get the light to the object in the lower right.

- The reward says that "food will now last longer," but your true reward is that now you get more food units per click when you collect vegetables. This makes vegetables a very valuable food source now.
Caterpillar Quest Mini-game
- A Citizen will appear near the Farm with an exclamation point. Click on him to trigger the mini-game.
- A Hidden Object Scene will open. Collect all the Caterpillars.

- For a reward, you will receive the Bug Potion Artifact which will add 5 units each time you click on Vegetables.
Plow Upgrade to the Farm
- You need a Vineyard to collect Grapes for the secondary task, and you need a Plow for the Farm before you can plant a Vineyard.
- You will need 60 units of Ore and 40 units of Fuel to research the Plow.
- Note that once the Farm starts producing Grapes there will often be fewer Vegetables available for collection per day, so we recommend completing the Cellar Light Quest and the Caterpillar Quest before starting the Vineyard tasks, as that way you’ll get more food units per click of Vegetables.
Plow Mini-game
- After you complete the Plow research, the Blacksmith at the Forge will tell you he has made all the pieces but he needs help to put it together.
- Clicking PLAY will trigger a Hidden Object Scene. In this scene you must find the pieces of the Plow that will fit into the cyan outlines.
- Note that you can’t just use the grabbing hand cursor, as you may have found a piece you don’t need yet. The pieces must be placed in a specific sequence.
- As you place pieces on the plow, new cyan outlines will appear so you can place even more pieces.

Vineyard and Grapes
- Now you can complete the Level 2 Farm, but you still have to have a Vineyard before your farm will begin to produce Grapes. Note that Grapes do NOT count as food units—they are treated as separate a specialty item and only used to produce Wine.
- Start by researching the Vineyard. This will cost 70 Reeds, 40 Garden Tools, and 25 Shovels.
- Once the Vineyard is complete, your Farm will begin to produce Grapes. Grapes vary in color and size of the bunch. A string of Onions may look something like a bunch of Grapes, but the Onions will be larger.

- After you have collected 30 Grapes, you will have completed the Secondary Task for Grapes.
New Resource: Gold
- Gold will be used in Jewelry making (needed for Temples) and some Potions.
- Gold almost always looks like a small teardrop.
- Gold can be found on land or in the water.
- If you are in a scene with Frogs, click on the Frogs. They will jump away, sometimes revealing that they were sitting on a drop of Gold!

Artifact: Magic Acid
- After you discover Gold, Magic Acid will be available at the Artifact Shop.
- Buying this will increase the number of units of Gold you collect by 3 per click, so it can be very helpful as Gold is quite rare.
- It will cost you 10 units of Gold to purchase it, but it’s worth it in the long run.
The Carpenter
- You will need Clay Bricks to build the Carpenter’s Shop, so you will have to have completed the Potter’s Shop and the Kiln first.
- You will need 100 Stone Bricks, 50 units of Clay, and 40 Clay Bricks to do the research.
Mining Research
- Put this off as long as you can, since you don’t really need it until the next Chapter.
Clay Brick Houses
- This is the last Primary task required for the Chapter.
- You will need 100 Clay Bricks, 50 Clay Dishes, and 50 Reeds to do this research.
Chapter Four: the Golden Age
- This is a very long Chapter. The last Primary Task is researching Clay Tile Roofs.
Top Tips for Chapter Four:
- You’re going to need a lot of planks for building, and then eventually wooden utensils for the farm and wooden figurines for the Temple. Don’t rush into the upgrades—start by building the basic Carpenter shop, then collecting at least 150 Planks.
- Once you have a level 2 Potter, you will be able to make Clay Tiles. Don’t rush into this, however. You need Clay Bricks for building on this level and Clay Dishes for the Farm. You don’t need Clay Tiles right away, and once the Potter CAN make Clay Tiles, the Potter WILL make Clay Tiles, leaving fewer Clay Bricks and Dishes available to collect.
- Scissors are made at the Forge, but they are rare and you will eventually need several hundred of them. Keep checking the Artifact Shop and buy the Lubricating Oil as soon as it is available. This will increase the quantity of Scissors you receive for one click by 15—the largest increase of any Artifact. It is very difficult to meet the Scissors requirements without this Artifact.
- Look before you click! Clay Tiles and Clay Bricks often look similar. Clay Dishes and Clay Vases can look alike. Make sure you’re getting what you need at that time.
- Anytime the Potter is offering ONLY Clay Bricks or the Carpenter is offering ONLY Planks go in and get a full Basket’s worth of these basic building materials.
- In this Chapter, construction may be held up by disasters which require you to play a mini-game to continue.
- The Unknown Mineral/Coal is not really important until the next Chapter, so you can put off this research until late in the Chapter. Once you have researched Coal fewer Stone Bricks will be available per day.
- Anytime you need to make days go by so research will complete, gather resources. Building materials like Ore, Wood, Clay and Stone Bricks are very important in this Chapter.
Carpenter’s Shop, Circular Saw, and Planks
- You need 100 Stone Bricks, 50 units of Clay, and 50 Clay Bricks to research the basic shop. Since this will take 3 days, get it started as soon as you have the resources.
- Once the Carpenter’s Shop is ready, you will need a Circular Saw before you can make anything. This research takes 75 units of Ore and 75 units of Fuel.
- As soon as the option is available, research Planks. You will need these for many building projects. The initial research will cost 25 Axes.
- Most Planks are obvious. They come in different sizes, but are always smooth.

- Some Planks and Clay Tiles look alike, but since you get Planks at the Carpenter and Clay Tiles at the Potter, it won’t be a problem.
Circular Saw Quest Mini-game
- Just when you think everything is going well at the Carpenter’s and you’re settling in to collect lots of wooden Planks, the Circular Saw will break!
- To complete this mini-game, you must place gears so that there is a complete chain from the gear that is moving on the right to the gear that is moving just below the saw on the left.
- There are two tricks to this mini-game.
- First, you don’t have to use all the gears. You only the ones you need to make a complete chain.
- Second—surprise! The big gear on the bottom of the starting position can also be moved!
- Here’s the solution:

Rulers Quest Mini-game
- There will be one more mini-game associated with the Carpenter in this Chapter—the Rulers Quest.
- The rules for this mini-game seem to be quite arbitrary. You must place the pieces on the wooden slab so that they do not touch each other and do not turn red. There appears to be only one solution acceptable to the game.

- Once you complete this Quest you will receive an additional 5 units of Furniture for each click.
Carpenter Upgrades: Furniture and Wooden Dishes
- Don’t start these upgrades until after you’ve built the School and set aside enough Planks for the Market (100) and the Jeweler (75), or you’ll have a hard time collecting enough Planks.
- It takes 75 Planks for the Furniture research.
- It takes 30 Planks and 20 Axes for the Wooden Dishes research. Stockpile 40 Axes before you start this to make sure you have enough Axes to get more wood later.
- Wooden Dishes is a Category. These can be bowls, cups, spoons, ladles, spatulas, forks, etc. Some of these look a lot like the Clay Dishes, but since you get Wooden Dishes at the Carpenter and Clay Dishes at the Potter it’s not a problem.

Termites Quest Mini-game
- Somewhere in here the Carpenter will tell you Termites are attacking his shop. Click on PLAY to start a Hidden Object Scene and collect the Termites.

Potter Shop Level 2
- Once you have a level 2 Potter, you will be able to make Clay Tiles. Go ahead and upgrade the Potter Shop since it takes 3 days, but don’t rush into the Clay Tile research. You need Clay Bricks for building on this level and Clay Dishes for the Farm. You don’t need Clay Tiles right away, and once the Potter CAN make Clay Tiles, the Potter WILL make Clay Tiles, leaving fewer Clay Bricks and Dishes available to collect.
- You need 150 Stone Bricks, 50 Reeds, and 50 units of Clay to research the base shop. It will take 3 days, so get it started once you have the resources.
Clay Tile and Vases
- Once you have built the Carpenter and have at least 150 Clay Bricks in your inventory, you can research Clay Tiles.
- You will need 150 units of Clay and 100 units of Fuel for this research.
- The Clay Tiles and the Clay Bricks can look identical if you only see a small edge. You just have to do the best you can with these.
- You will need 150 units of Clay and 100 units of Fuel to research Clay Vases. These are needed for Wine.
- The Clay Vases and some of the jars from the Clay Dishes look very similar, except that the Vases will always have two handles.

- You will continue to need a lot of Clay Bricks for building, so it’s a good idea any time the Potter is offering ONLY Clay Bricks to go in and collect a full Basket’s worth.
Level 3 Forge
- This upgrade requires 100 Stone Bricks, 50 Clay Bricks, and 50 units of Clay. It will take 3 days, so start it as soon as you have the resources.
- Once the Level 3 Forge is complete, you will be able to do the Scissors research. This is another Tool you will make in the Forge. The initial research costs 75 units of Ore and 75 units of Fuel.
- The Scissors look more like small tongs. They can be quite hard to see. There are frequently only 2 or 3 available per day even when they are offered.

Lubricating Oil Artifact
- Keep checking the Artifact Shop, and as soon as the Lubricating Oil is available, buy it. This will increase the number of Scissors you will collect with one click by 15 units!
- This Artifact is essential, because Scissors can be quite rare.
- You will need 20 units of Gold to buy this.
- Once you get this Artifact, collect Scissors every time they are available at the Forge.
The Smelting Furnace
- This is an upgrade to the Level 3 Forge.
- The initial research requires 125 units of Clay, 100 units of Ore, and 50 Clay Bricks.
Scarecrow Quest Mini-game
- A citizen will appear with an exclamation point by the Farm. Click on him to start the Scarecrow Quest mini-game.
- This is another mini-game with no Find List. Begin by collecting everything you can pick up with the grabbing hand cursor. This will be a Hat, Pumpkin, Knife, Shirt, Large Stick, Small Stick, Shovel, and 5 Bells.

- Put the Big Stick in the hole on the left of the scene.
- Use the Shovel to fill in the hole and make the Big Stick stand upright.
- Put the Small Stick crosswise on the Big Stick (click where the cursor turns to Gears).
- Use the Rope to tie the sticks together.

- Put the Shirt on the Small Stick.
- Use the Knife to carve the Pumpkin. The "Sliced Pumpkin" will go back in your inventory (it’s now a Jack O’ Lantern).
- Put the Pumpkin on top of the Big Stick.
- Put the Hat on top of the Pumpkin.
- Put the Bells on the Shirt and click where the cursor turns into Gears.

- This creates the Scarecrow Artifact. From now on you will receive 5 more units each time you click on Fruits or Vegetables on the Farm.
Fertilizer Artifact
- This Artifact will be available in the Artifact Shop. It costs 15 units of Gold. It will increase the units of Grapes per click by 5.
- Now that you have Wooden Dishes and Clay Vases you can begin researching Wine.
- You will need 100 units of Grapes, 30 units of Vases, and 30 units of Wooden Dishes for the initial research.
- Remember that Wooden Dishes come from the Carpenter, not the Potter, and that Vases have two handles, not one.
- Even though you collected two handled clay Vases for making it, Wine will always be available in a regular bottle with string around it and a cork.

Cases Quest Mini-game
- Soon after you begin researching Wine, you will be presented with the Cases Quest mini-game. This is a standard slider puzzle. There are two stages.

- You will receive a bonus of 50 units of Grapes.
Farm Upgrades: Sheep Breeding and Cheese
- Sheep breeding will allow you to make Thread, and the Cheese upgrade will come in handy as a Food resource in the next Chapter. You can wait on these until quite late in this Chapter.
- Sheep breeding research requires 75 Scissors, 100 units of Food, and 30 units of Reeds.
- Cheese research requires 75 Clay Dishes and 30 Wooden Utensils.
- All the thread looks pretty much the same. It is coarse wool thread on a wooden spindle.
- Cheese is a Category, and comes in various types.

Level 2 Sauna
- Once you are making Clay Tiles at the Potter, you will get a message that the Sauna needs to be upgraded.
- This research will require 50 Clay Bricks, 25 Clay Tiles, and 30 Clay Dishes.
Boiler Mini-game
- Construction on the Sauna will be held up because once again the Blacksmith has made all the pieces to the Boiler, but he doesn’t know how to put them together.
- Clicking PLAY will trigger a Hidden Object Scene. In this scene you must find the pieces of the Boiler that will fit into the cyan outlines.
- Note that you can’t just use the grabbing hand cursor, as you may have found a piece you don’t need yet. The pieces must be placed in a specific sequence.
- As you place pieces on the Boiler, new cyan outlines will appear so you can place even more pieces.
- It’s hard to tell, but the piece that goes on the ground next to the Boiler is the hand Bellows.

- Once the Boiler is ready, you can add a Hairdresser to the Sauna. This research will cost 25 Scissors.
- In order to build a Market, you must first study Trade and Scales at the School.
- The initial School research requires 75 Planks and 25 Stone Bricks. It takes 3 days, so you should start it soon after you begin collecting Planks.
- Once the School is complete, start researching Trade. This will take 75 units of Food and 5 units of Gold.
- Soon after you finish researching Trade, a Citizen at the School will show up to tell you you need Scales.
Scales Quest Mini-game
- This mini-game is more complex than it appears at first, because the scales are not even. Several of them have a fulcrum point which is offset by 1 to 3 points.
- So instead of trying to make each side exactly even in weight, you have to use a counterbalancing technique. If the fulcrum is offset by 2, then you can use a 3 on one side and a 1 on the other and the scale will balance.

- Once the Scales Quest is complete, you can start the research for the Market. This will require 100 Planks, 75 Stone Bricks, and 75 Clay Dishes.
- Once the Market is built you can use it to exchange extra Resources for Resources you are short of.
- Different items will be available at different times.
- Only a few units may be available of some items.
- Click on the top row of Categories to see exactly what’s available.
- When you choose the Category from your side, the minimum quantity will be show at the bottom of the page.
- Use the top row of Categories on the right to select the item you want to exchange for.
- Now use the gold arrow buttons on the bottom right to adjust the quantity up or down. The left side will change automatically.
- When you’re ready, click the EXCHANGE button to make the exchange.

Jewelry Shop and Jewelrymaking
- You do eventually need to complete the Jewelry Shop so that you can make items for the Temple, but otherwise it’s not very important in this chapter.
- You will need 100 Stone Bricks, 75 Planks, and 50 units of Clay for this initial research.
- Once you have completed the shop research, you can research Jewelrymaking. This will cost 25 units of Gold.
- Jewelry is a category. It can include any kind of goldwork, from rings to golden goblets.

Level 2 Oracle Temple
- You need 60 units of Jewelry, 50 Planks, and 25 bottles of Wine for this upgrade.
- Once this upgrade is underway, you will be told about the Constellation Quest.
Constellation Mini-game
- For each level of this Quest, you will be shown a constellation on the drawing pad on the right.
- Click on the drawing to attach it to your cursor.
- Now find the place in the sky where it exactly fits over stars so that there is one star in each circle.
- Click to stick it there.
- If you are correct, the constellation will fill in, then fade, and you will get a new drawing on the pad.

Coal/Unknown Mineral
- Coal is another resource you don’t really need until the next Chapter. You will research this at the School.
- The initial research will cost 30 Pickaxes and 30 Shovels.
- Once you complete this research, Coal will be available as a resource. Coal looks like a black Gem in this game.

Lightning Bug Artifact
- Shortly after you begin collecting Coal the Lightning Bug Artifact will be available in the Artifact Shop.
- It costs 10 units of Cheese.
- Once you buy it, you will collect an additional 10 units of Coal with each click.
Tile Roofs
- This is the last Primary Task of the Chapter. Once you complete it, the Chapter will end.
- You will need 75 Clay Tiles, 200 Stone Bricks, and 100 Planks for this research.
Chapter Five: Modern Age
- The last Primary Task for this chapter is building Marble Buildings.
Top Tips for Chapter Five:
- As your Farm begins producing more specialty goods, particularly Wine, Thread, and Olive Oil, you should begin getting your Food units elsewhere. Both Fish from the Sea and Bread from the Bakery are very good sources.
- This means you will need the Farm to produce Grain to make the Bread and Olives to make Olive Oil.
- You will build a Stone Quarry and learn how to make Marble Tiles in this Chapter. You are going to need 400 Marble Tiles by the time the Chapter ends, so start this sequence fairly early.
Dynamite Artifact and Gems
- The Dynamite Artifact will be available in the Artifact Shop. Buy it as soon as it becomes available, because it will increase the number of Gems you get by 5 per click.
- You will need 100 units of Fuel, 50 units of Clay and 50 units of Ore to buy this.
- The Artifacts are the Dynamite (increases Gems by 5).
- Gems are rare, and can be very hard to spot, especially in dark Caverns.
- They come in many different colors, including white, pink, green, and red.

- Start researching the Bakery as soon as you have the resources, because this will be a very important source of Food for your City in this Chapter and the next one.
- Each item of Bread will be worth 30 units of Food, and you are going to need the Farm for specialty items like Wine and Thread.
- You will need 100 planks, 75 units of Clay and 30 Clay Bricks to start this research.
- It will take 3 days to complete.
- Once the Bakery is complete and your Farm is producing both Wheat and Olive Oil, you are ready to research Dough.
- This research will cost 75 units of Wheat, 40 units of Wooden Utensils, and 25 Jars of Olive Oil.
- Once you know how to make Dough, the Bakery will produce Bread.
- Bread counts as Food units, and you will get 25 units or more with each click, so it is a very important food source for your city.
- Bread is a Category. Bread can be any shape or size.

Bakery: Cockroach Mini-game
- Soon after you start producing Bread, the Baker will tell you there are Cockroaches in the Bakery.
- Collect all of them.

Stone Quarry
- You will need the Stone Quarry to make Marble Tiles, which are required for several tasks in this Chapter.
- It takes 150 Stone Bricks, 150 Planks, and 50 units of Ore to start this research.
- The research will take 3 days to complete.
Stone Quarry: Stone Piles Upgrade
- The Stone Piles are needed to build the Port. You must have already completed the Stone Quarry.
- You will need 50 Stone Bricks, 50 Pickaxes, and 25 Axes to complete this research.
Stone Quarry: Marble Processing Upgrade
- You will need 50 Stone Brick, 50 Pickaxes, and 25 Axes to complete this research.
- Once this is complete, the Stone Quarry can make Marble Tiles.
- Marble Tiles can be any color. They are always square or rectangular.

- Marble Tiles will be needed for the University and the Marble Building task.
Stone Quarry: Stone Crusher Quest Mini-game
- A Citizen will ask for help putting together the Stone Crusher.
- This mini-game works the same way as the Plow and the Boiler did. There will be Cyan outlines on the screen, and you will have to find the pieces that fit them.
- In this mini-game, however, the pieces often do not look like they will fit, as they may change perspective or angle when installed.

- Once the Stone Crusher is complete you will collect an additional 5 units of Marble Tiles per click.
Farm Level 4 Upgrade
- You will need 25 Clay Tiles, 75 Garden Tools, and 50 Clay Bricks for this research. It will take 3 days to complete.
New Resource: Wheat
- Once the Farm Level 4 research is complete, you can start the research on Wheat.
- The Wheat Field research will cost 50 Garden Tools, 25 Shovels, and 35 Wooden Utensils.
- Once it is complete, the Farm will sometimes grow Grain.
- Grain is needed at the Bakery to make Bread and Pastry.
- Grain is a Category. It can be either sheaves of Wheat or different colored grain or seeds.

Olives and Olive Oil
- Olives are a specialty item like Grapes. They are produced on the Farm.
- They don’t count as Food units, but instead will be used to make Olive Oil.

- Olive Oil research will cost 50 Olives, 100 Clay Dishes, and 25 Wooden Utensils.
- Olive Oil will be available on the Farm from time to time. It always appears in round clay pots with a painted olive pattern.

- Once your Farm is producing Olive Oil, you will probably use most of its output for specialty items like Thread, Olive Oil, Wine, and Wheat. You will switch to getting most of your Food from Fish in the Sea and Bread from the Bakery.
Farm Level 4: Rain Totem Artifact
- You can purchase this in the Artifact Shop.
- It will cost 25 units of Grapes, 25 units of Jewelry, and 50 Gems.
- Once you own it, your Grape units will be increased by 10 per click.
Potter’s Shop Level 3 Upgrade
- After this upgrade you will be able to research Clay Figurines, which are needed for the Temple.
- The Level 3 Upgrade research will cost 25 Clay tiles, 150 Planks, and 330 Clay Bricks.
- It will take 3 days to complete.
Potter’s Shop Level 3 Clay Modeling Upgrade
- Once this upgrade is complete the Potter will begin to produce Clay Figurines. These will be needed for the Temple.
- However, you may want to wait to do this upgrade until it is needed since it means you will get fewer Clay Tiles and Clay Bricks per day.
- This research will require 50 units of Clay and 25 units of Fuel.
- Clay Figurines is a Category. Individual items could be figurines of many different animals, including horses, elephants, fish, and birds.

University Building
- The initial research will cost 25 Clay Tiles, 150 Marble Tiles, and 75 Stone Bricks.
- It will take 3 days.
University Building: Medicine Upgrade
- You will not be able to build the Harbor until the Citizens at your University have studied Medicine.
- This research will cost 150 units of Food, 25 units of Wooden Utensils, and 50 bottles of Wine.
- After the research is complete, you can start building a Pharmacy.
Pharmacy Building
- You must have built the University and completed the Medicine upgrade before starting this research.
- You will not be allowed to start the Harbor until the Pharmacy is complete.
- The Pharmacy research will cost 10 Clay Tiles, 75 units of Clay, and 100 units of Reeds.
Potion Quest Mini-game
- In this Mini-game you must put six items into the cauldron in a specific order.
- Every time you put an item into the Cauldron in the right order the Cauldron will bubble.
- If it stops bubbling, you have to start over with the first item.
- The sequence does not change, so you can take notes as you go until you get it right.

Market: Gold Scale Mini-game
- A Citizen near the Market will ask for your help with a Gold Scale.
- This puzzle requires you to calibrate the scale by putting the exact amount of Gold on the left to match the weight on the right.
- You may use as many of the Gold pieces as you like.

Oil Jars Mini-game
- This is the classic "How do I measure this?" problem. Your goal is to get 4 gallons of Oil in the large jar.
- Start by filling the 3 gallon jar. (Click on the barrel of Oil on the left, then click on the small jar.) Now the large jar as 0 gallons and the small jar has 3 gallons.
- Pour the small jar into the large jar. (Click on the small jar, then click on the large jar.) The large jar has 3 gallons, the small jar has 0.
- Fill the small jar again. (Click on the barrel of oil, then click on the small jar.) Now the large jar has 3 gallons and the small jar has 3 gallons.
- Pour the small jar into the large jar. (Click on the small jar, then click on the large jar.) Now the large jar has 5 gallons and the small jar has 1 gallon.
- Empty the large jar back into the barrel. (Click on the large jar, then click on the barrel.) Now the large jar has 0 gallons and the small jar has 1 gallon.
- Pour the small jar into the large jar. (Click on the small jar, then click on the large jar.) Now the large jar has 1 gallon and the small jar has 0 gallons.

- Fill the small jar again. (Click on the barrel, then click on the small jar.) Now the large jar has 1 gallon and the small jar has 3 gallons.
- Pour the small jar into the large jar. (Click on the small jar, then click on the large jar.) Now the small jar is empty and the large jar has 4 gallons as requested.
Magic Gem Artifact
- You can purchase this in the Artifact Shop.
- It will cost 30 Gems, 25 units of Gold, and 25 units of Jewelry.
- Once you own it, your Gold units will be increased by 3 per click.
Magnifying Glass Artifact
- You can purchase this in the Artifact Shop.
- It will cost 50 units of Jewelry.
- Once you own it, your Jewelry units will be increased by 3 per click.
Harbor Building
- Once you have Stone Piles at the Stone Quarry and you have completed the Pharmacy, you can start building the Harbor.
- This research costs 100 Planks, 25 Clay Tiles, and 75 spools of Thread.
- It will take 2 days to complete.
Harbor Upgrade: Fishing Tackle
- Fishing Tackle will help you catch Fish, an important source of Food in the last two chapters.
- This research will cost 75 spools of Thread and 100 Planks.
- After you complete this research a new location will be available: the Sea in the upper right. You will go there to catch Fish which count as Food units.
- Fish come in many different sizes and colors.

Fish Food Artifact
- This Artifact is available in the Artifact Shop after you start growing Olives on your Farm.
- It costs 75 units of Grapes, 50 units of Olives and 50 units of Grain.
- Once you own it you will get an extra 5 units of Fish per click.
Holy Place Building and Holidays
- Once you begin producing Olive Oil and Clay Figurines, the people will ask you to build a Holy Place in the city.
- This research costs 75 Stone Bricks, 100 Marble Tiles, and 75 jars of Olive Oil.
- Once this is complete you will be able to research Holidays.
- The research for Holidays costs 75 bottles of Wine, 30 jars of Olive Oil, and 20 Clay Figurines.
Four Magic Stones Mini-game
- These Stones do not show up on the Available list, because this counts as a Mini-game. Instead, you will have to look for the grabbing hand cursor to locate them.
- You will find them at the Lake, the Mountains, the Sea, and the Forest.

- This Artifact gives you 5 more Stone Bricks for each click.

- This Artifact gives you 5 more units of Wheat for each click.

- This Artifact gives you 5 more units of Fish for each click.

- This Artifact gives you 5 more Olives for each click.
Marble Buildings
- This is the last primary task in this Chapter.
- This research costs 150 Marble Tiles, 50 Clay Bricks, and 50 Clay Tiles.
Chapter Six: Advanced Age
- The last Primary Task in this Chapter is researching the building of the Colossus statue.
Top Tips for Chapter Six:
- You will get to see the statue in the cut scene at the end of the Chapter. If you skip the cut scene, you will see it when the game returns to the City Map.
- Some items will only be available at the Harbor Market, but you won’t need those until near the end of the Chapter when you are building the statue.
- You need lots of wooden Planks and lots of Marble Tiles in this Chapter, so don’t upgrade the Carpenter or the Stone Quarry until you have stockpiled at least 200 of each.
- Your Farm will be busy producing specialty items like Thread, Olive Oil, and Wine in this Chapter, so focus on getting your Food units from Fish in the Sea and Bread at the Bakery.
- Collect Wheat and Thread from the Farm whenever they are offered. You need a lot of both. Thread is used to weave nets and sails for many seaside projects, which is why you need so much of it in this Chapter.
- Upgrade the Oracle Temple (not the Colossus Temple) early and check the Artifact Shop often, as many new Artifacts will be available in this Chapter.
- Use the Marketplace when you just need to fill in a few items to go on to the next research.
- Remember that days do not pass if you are just looking at the City Map. Many building projects in this Chapter take multiple days, so continue to collect resources to make the Days go by.
- The Holy Place will be upgraded to a Colossus Temple during this Chapter. This is a different building than the Oracle Temple.
- Throughout this Chapter the game uses "upgrade the Port" and "upgrade the Harbor" somewhat interchangeably. The Harbor is the building on the left at the Seaside. The building at the right, labeled "the Sea" is just a fishing pier. "Upgrade the Port" really means get the entire City ready for seaside trade, which can include upgrading many of the buildings and activities.
Carpenter Shop Level 2
- You need this upgrade to create Papyrus, which will be needed for the University.
- The game says you will also need it to build Ships for the upgraded Port, but you won’t actually build any in this Chapter.
- This research will cost 100 Stone Bricks, 50 Clay Tiles, and 50 Clay Bricks. It will take 3 days to complete.
Craft Artifact
- You will be able to purchase this in the Artifact Shop.
- It costs 75 units of Clay and 10 units of Gold.
- Once you own it, you will collect 5 more Clay Figurines with each click.
- Whenever you see that the Carpenter is offering ONLY Planks in this Chapter, click on it. You need a lot of Planks on this level.
- This is also a good time to get the Speed Trophy if you haven’t already. You earn this Trophy for completing an entire level in 20 seconds or less.
- You need to know how to build Ships for your upgraded Port.
- This research costs 75 Planks, 50 units of Thread, and 50 units of Ore.
- You received some Papyrus as a reward in Chapter 5, but now you’re going to learn how to make it for yourself at the Carpenter’s Shop. You will need a lot of Papyrus for the University.
- Historically Papyrus was made from Reeds, but here it will be more like Paper, made from wood shavings.
- This research costs 50 Planks, 25 Axes, and 25 Clay Dishes.
- Papyrus is a Category. Individual items can be complete scrolls or scraps.

Mind Artifact
- You can buy this in the Artifact Shop. Although the description says it allows scholars to use less Papyrus, it actually increases the number of units of Papyrus you collect with each click when you get it from the Carpenter Shop.
- This costs 25 Gems and 25 Clay Figurines.
- Once you own it, you will receive an additional 5 units of Papyrus for each click.
Jewelry Shop Level 2
- This research will cost 25 Clay Tiles, 50 units of Clay, and 75 Marble Tiles. It will take 2 days to complete.
Gem Processing Research
- This upgrade will be necessary for the Temple.
- This research will cost 50 units of Gold and 50 Gems.
Speed Potion
- You can buy this in the Artifact Shop.
- It costs 75 units of Grapes and 25 jars of Olive Oil.
- Once you own this, you will receive an additional 5 units of Jewelry with each click.
Stone Quarry Level 2
- This level of the Stone Quarry will be able to make Statues and Columns, which you’ll need for the Level 3 Oracle Temple, the University and the Colossus Statue.
- This research will cost 100 Marble Tiles, 25 Clay Tiles, and 25 Planks. It will take 2 days to complete.
- Statues is a Category. Statues were created in parts for easy shipping, so you might find a stone foot, an arm, etc.

Columns Research
- There is also a Columns Mini-game associated with the Colossus Temple. This section of the walkthrough refers to the basic columns research for the Marble Quarry.
- This research requires 75 Stone Bricks and 50 Pickaxes.
- Columns is a Category. Like Statues, Columns are created in pieces for easy shipping. Pieces you can pick up will have a finished look.
- There is one column in the Stone Quarry which is attached to the wall there, and is not collectible.

Power Artifact
- You can buy this in the Artifact Shop.
- It costs 25 Marble Tiles, 50 units of Ore, and 50 Clay Figurines.
- Once you own this, you will receive 5 extra units of Columns per click.
Inspiration Potion
- You can buy this in the Artifact Shop.
- It costs 75 units of Grapes and 25 units of Wheat.
- Once you own it, you will get an additional 5 units of Statues with each click.
Bakery Level 2
- With this upgrade you will be able to make Cakes as well as Bread. Cakes provide even more units of Food per click.
- This research will cost 25 Clay Tiles, 75 units of /Clay, and 75 Planks. It will take 1 Day to complete.
Pastry Making
- Once the Level 2 Bakery is complete, you can research Pastry Making.
- This research will cost 75 units of Grain, 100 units of Grapes, and 25 units of Olive Oil.
- If you are just a few units short of something, this is a good time to check out the Market.
- Pastry (also called Cakes in the game) is a Category. Items can be anything from a cupcake to a tart.
- Pastry is worth even more Food units per click than Bread.

Thirst Potion Artifact
- You will buy this in the Artifact Shop. Although described as a Thirst Potion, what it does is increase your harvest of Wheat, essential for making Bread and Pastry.
- The cost is 25 Bottles of Wine and 25 units of Grain.
- Once you own this, you will collect an additional 5 units of Grain with each click.
Oracle Temple Level 3
- The Stone Quarry will need to be producing Statues and Columns before you can do this upgrade.
- This research will cost 25 Columns, 75 Statues, and 50 Marble Tiles. It will take 2 days.
Colossus Temple
- This sometimes just called "the Temple" in the game, but it is a different building than the Oracle Temple. It’s where you are going to build the Colossus Statue eventually. It is built over the top of the Holy Place you built in Chapter 5.
- The first stage of the research will require 100 Marble Tiles, 100 Columns, and 75 statues. This research takes 3 days.
Consecration Research
- This is an upgrade to the Colossus Temple. This research requires 50 jars of Olive Oil, 50 Bottles of Wine, and 50 Clay Figurines. If you are just a few items short, you may want to check the Market.
Temple Decoration Quest, Columns Mini-game
- The Colossus Temple has a lot of problems. In this mini-game, you need to first fix the pictures on the columns by rotating the pieces, and then place the emblems above the correct statue.
- Note that there are multiple images on some pieces. The easiest way to solve this puzzle is to leave the top piece of each column where it is, then rotate the lower pieces to create the picture.

Temple Decoration Quest, Wall Paintings Mini-game
- More problems at the Colossus Temple! You are supposed to compare two paintings and click on the items that are identical in each.
- The text instructions say there are 12 identical items, but there are only 10 checkboxes below and the game will be solved when you find 10.
- The items don’t have to be at the exact same spot in the paintings. For example, the two arm bracelets count as identical items, but the arms are in slightly different positions.

Temple Decoration Quest, Horseman Statue Mini-game
- We have one more project in the Temple Decoration Secondary Quest. The sculptor has left a statue unfinished. Statues in Ancient Rome and Greece were often painted, and this one is too.
- You have four available tools, one in each corner of the pop-up. You can do them in any order. When you finished doing everything you can with a tool, its image will fade out, so if the image is still bright you have more to do with it.
- There are no gears in this mini-game. Just click on a tool, then click on where you want to use it.
- Use the Hammer to knock in each nail on the shield that is sticking up. Then use it to hammer the bent tip of the spear. If the Hammer hasn’t faded, you probably missed a nail.

- Use the Pickaxe to knock off the horn and the extra tail.

- Paint both eyes and the hoof.

- Use the Scroll to clean the dirty places on the Helmet and the Shield.

Academy Building
- The Academy is the first stage of building for the University. It is an upgrade to the School. You will need to be producing Papyrus at the Carpenter and Columns and Statues at the Stone Quarry before you can start.
- This research requires 100 Columns, 75 Statues, and 75 units of Papyrus. It takes 1 Day to complete.
Cartography Research
- Once the Academy is built, you need to research Cartography so you will be able to upgrade the Port.
- This research requires 50 units of Papyrus.
Lost Gold Coins Quest Mini-game
- A Citizen at the Market will tell you that some Gold Coins were lost at sea and need to be recovered. Choosing PLAY will open a Hidden Object scene.
- Collect all the Gold Coins you can see. Also collect the Axe, Key, Oil, Shield, and Sickle.

- When you collect the Shield, you will reveal a Gold Coin in the open chest behind where the Shield was. Collect the Gold Coin.
- Take the Axe and click on the door where the cursor turns into Gears. This will break open the door, but it’s too dark to see inside.
- Put the Axe back into your inventory by clicking on the empty inventory slot. You will use it again later.
- Place the Shield where it will reflect a beam of light through the broken door.

- Now you can see 3 Gold Coins inside the doorway. Collect them.
- Use the Axe to break the Vase on the left. Collect the Gold Coins inside.
- Use the Sickle to cut the Seaweed next to the Vase. Collect the Gold Coins inside.

- Now it’s time for the last Chest. Use the Oil on the Rusty Padlock. Then use the Key on the Padlock. You will not be able to use the Key unless you’ve used the Oil first.
- Collect the Gold Coins that are revealed inside the Chest.

New Resource: Pearls
- The Colossus statue is going to require Pearls. You will find them in the Sea.
- The initial research requires 100 Reeds, 100 Planks, and 50 units of Thread for nets.
- Pearls come in different colors and sizes. They may be in an open oyster shell or loose.

Bravery Artifact
- You can buy this at the Artifact Shop.
- It costs 25 Gems and 5 Pearls.
- Once you own it, you will receive an additional 5 units of Pearls with each click. .
Oxygen Potion Artifact
- You can buy this at the Artifact Shop.
- It costs 25 bottles of Wine and 25 jars of Olive Oil.
- Once you own it, you will receive an additional 4 units of Pearls with each click.
Harbor Level 2
- To upgrade the Harbor building itself, you will need 100 Planks, 75 Marble Tiles, and 50 units of Thread. This research will take 3 days.
The Cannon Quest Mini-game
- You need a Cannon to properly greet arriving ships. As with the Plow, the Boiler, and the Stone Crusher, the pieces are available but it’s up to you to put them together.
- This one is not as complicated as the Stone Crusher—most pieces match the cyan outlines pretty well.

Sea Trade Research
- This is a Harbor upgrade.
- This research requires 50 units of Gold, 50 Wooden Utensils, and 75 Clay Dishes.
- When it is complete, you will find an international marketplace at the Harbor. It works the same way as the Marketplace you’re used to but the international traders may have items like Ivory that your own city does not produce.

The Colossus
- This is the last Primary building Task in this Chapter, and will end the game.
- Make sure you have purchased all Artifacts and completed all Secondary Tasks and Mini-games before starting it if you want to get all the trophies.
- This research costs 150 units of Gold, 125 units of Pearls, and 100 units of Ivory.
- You can only get Ivory by trading with international merchants at the Harbor.
- You can quickly get a lot of Food at the Bakery, which is useful to sell for Gold at the Harbor also since incoming ships need to replenish their supplies and will pay well for it.
- This research takes 3 days to complete. Remember that you must do something to make the days go by.
- Once the statue research is complete, the ending cut scene will play. You will see the completed statue in this cut scene, and again when you return to the city map to receive your final trophy.

- Accuracy: for 12 accurate clicks in a row
- Basket: for gathering 1,000 items. This is not the same as the Basket Artifact.
- Colossus: for completing the game
- Expert Hand: for completing all of the mini-games
- Food: for having 750+ units of Food in your inventory
- Gold: for having 100+ units of Gold in your inventory
- Magnifying Glass: for completing 5 Hidden Object Scenes without using a single hint
- Puzzle: for completing (not skipping) 10 mini-games
- Researcher: for completing all of the research, including the research for all Secondary Tasks
- Speed: for completing a level in 20 seconds or less. Collecting a known resource late in the game when you are familiar with most of the item locations is the easiest way to get this. Try Planks at the Carpenter when only Planks are offered, or Bread at the Baker.
- Sundial: for playing a single session of 2 hours or more
- 5 x 5: for finding 5 items in 5 seconds in a Hidden Object Scene
Created at: 2010-03-31